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Releases: ngld/OverlayPlugin

OverlayPlugin 0.5.0

05 Sep 14:35
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OverlayPlugin 0.5.0 Pre-release
  • Re-implemented sorting for DPS data. You can enable it in the MiniParseEventSource settings. You don't need this for overlays that already sort by themselves (i.e. Kagerou, MopiMopi). Please leave this disabled unless you need it since it adds additional CPU overhead.
  • Simplified compatibility options. You now only need to select whether the overlay was made for OverlayPlugin or ACTWS. The new and old distinction has been removed since it can be auto-detected.
  • Added missing data for ACTWS overlays (overHeal, damageShield and absorbHeal).
  • Updated CEF to 75.1.14 (Chrome 75.0.3770.100)
  • Added a new option to limit DPS updates (default is 1 per second).
  • Added a button to clear the log.
  • Added a new overlay file miniparse_debug.html which displays the DPS data. This might be helpful for people who want to develop their own overlay.

Please let me know if you find any bugs, either here or on the FFXIV ACT Discord.

As always, the x64 file is for 64bit Windows (which you most likely have) and x86 is for 32bit Windows (you'll notice that you have this by the fact that you can't run FFXIV in DX 11 mode).
Please don't get those mixed up.

OverlayPlugin 0.4.2

22 Aug 19:31
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OverlayPlugin 0.4.2 Pre-release
  • Fixed an issue which broke all DPS displays... Sorry about that.
  • If your system language isn't supported by CEF (the browser framework) you no longer receive an error language. The browser will just launch in english which you'll only notice if you use the DevTools.
  • If for whatever reason the new JSON settings couldn't be read, the previous version tried to load the old XML file. Now it only loads the old XML file if no JSON config file is present.
  • Disabled an optimisation for hidden overlays because it could sometimes cause them to become invisible until they were reloaded. Looks like a bug in CEF. Will have to debug this further.

Please let me know if you find any bugs, either here or on the FFXIV ACT Discord.

As always, the x64 file is for 64bit Windows (which you most likely have) and x86 is for 32bit Windows (you'll notice that you have this by the fact that you can't run FFXIV in DX 11 mode).
Please don't get those mixed up.

OverlayPlugin 0.4.1

22 Aug 00:29
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OverlayPlugin 0.4.1 Pre-release
  • Fixed the "Automatically hide overlays". It wasn't doing anything before this release.
  • Made the ACTWS compatibility more reliable. Sometimes the shim is injected too late (usually during ACT startup since so much is happening at once). OverlayPlugin now automatically detects when this happens and reloads the overlay which fixes the issue.
  • Fixed a few issues with the log display. Unfortunately, I had to replace it with a simple text box as a result.
  • Refactored a bunch of internal code which should make addon development easier and OverlayPlugin itself more modular. Users probably won't notice anything related to this unless I introduced new bugs.
  • Moved to JSON as the settings storage format. Old settings should be automatically converted. The new format makes it easier to store more complicated data types.

Please let me know if you find any bugs, either here or on the FFXIV ACT Discord.

As always, the x64 file is for 64bit Windows (which you most likely have) and x86 is for 32bit Windows (you'll notice that you have this by the fact that you can't run FFXIV in DX 11 mode).
Please don't get those mixed up.

The OverlayPlugin_Cactbot_Test.7z is a very early, experimental release of a modified Cactbot. I've only modified it to be compatible with the new OverlayPlugin API, everything should work as usual.

This is still a beta so feel free test and let me know of any problems you find.

OverlayPlugin 0.4.0

09 Aug 19:49
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OverlayPlugin 0.4.0 Pre-release

So, this release brings a bunch of new stuff:

  • Rewrote the rendering code.
    The overlays are now smoother than they ever wore (at least for me). Default framerate limit is still 30 but you should be able to run them at 60 FPS without any issues. Overlays are no longer rendered when they're hidden (they were before this change). That should reduce CPU load a bit of you have hide some of your overlays.
  • Cursors actually work now. Your mouse cursor will change shape the way you'd expect it to with a normal web page.
  • The internal message handling has been restructured. As a result, WebSocket connections stopped wasting CPU cycles and work pretty much as expected. You should be able to use this as a drop-in replacement for ACTWS at this point. The only thing that's broken right now (AFAIK) are some healing informations: over heal, shielding and maybe some more. Will investigate.
  • Also, as a result of the above: Addons can now implement event sources which work with both overlays and web socket connections. Documentation will follow, in the meantime feel free to ping me on the FFXIV ACT discord.
  • I've properly implemented the ACTWS compatibility for overlays now. To use ACTWS overlays with this plugin, configure your MiniParse overlay as usual, paste the overlay url in the URL field (without HOST_PORT!!) and set the compatibility mode to ACTWebSocket.
  • A few bugs and memory leaks have been fixed.
  • Oh, and overlays can play sound again.

As always, the x64 file is for 64bit Windows (which you most likely have) and x86 is for 32bit Windows (you'll notice that you have this by the fact that you can't run FFXIV in DX 11 mode).
Please don't get those mixed up.

The OverlayPlugin_Cactbot_Test.7z is a very early, experimental release of a modified Cactbot. I've only modified it to be compatible with the new OverlayPlugin API, everything should work as usual.

This is still a beta so feel free test and let me know of any problems you find.

OverlayPlugin 0.3.7

23 Jul 21:19
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OverlayPlugin 0.3.7 Pre-release

Fixed a few NullPointerExceptions and implemented a WebSocket server.

This is a rough first release. You can start the WebSocket server through the new "OverlayPlugin WSServer" tab. Please read the text on that page to enable SSL. Once it's running, you should be able to open https://localhost:105010 and see a short test page. If that works, open for MopiMopi.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues.


05 Jul 23:26
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OverlayPlugin Pre-release

As before you need only one of the files below. Most users will need the x64 one. Only people who use a 32bit OS or ACTx86.exe need the x86 file.


05 Jul 20:07
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OverlayPlugin Pre-release

Updated the browser engine to Chromium 73. This should fix any issues related to missing JavaScript functionality.
Known issues:

  • Moving overlays is bugged. They move a bit too slow and twitch.
  • Cactbot needs an update to work with this version of OverlayPlugin.

Feel free to try this out and please report any other issues you encounter!

You need only one of the downloads. x64 is the 64bit build which most people will need.