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Code implementing algorithms in "Anticipating regime shifts by mixing early warning signals from different nodes," by Naoki Masuda, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Neil G. MacLaren.


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This repository includes algorithms described in "Anticipating regime shifts by mixing early warning signals from different nodes," by Naoki Masuda, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Neil G. MacLaren. These algorithms calculate the metric $d$, which quantifies the quality of a node set, and to use this metric to identify good node sets. We also include functions for simulating $x_i$ across a range of a bifurcation parameter for the dynamics discussed in the manuscript.

The ./manuscript-figures subdirectory contains data and code to reproduce the manuscript figures as well as code to conduct the simulations from scratch.


Functions to compute $d$ and identify node sets from a network are in calc-functions.R. Simulation functions are in sim-functions.R. A short demonstration of these procedures is in demo.R. We have also included several example networks as adjacency matrices (.tsv files) in the /data subdirectory.

We have included a file demo.R to demonstrate these procedures. We will use the same network here which we use for demonstrations in the manuscript. To run demo.R, place the files demo.R, sim-functions.R, and calc-functions.R in a working directory; place the /data directory in the same working directory. All of these steps can be accomplished by cloning this repository, for example by downloading and extracting the .zip archive (click the "Code" button, then select "Download ZIP"), or from the command line:

git clone

We first simulate the doublewell dynamics on the Barabási-Albert network. Using the functions in sim-functions.R, the only required argument is the adjacency matrix.

source("calc-functions.R") # will call library(arrangements)


A <- as.matrix(read.table("./data/ba.tsv", sep = "\t"))
N <- nrow(A)

system.time(dl <- simulate_doublewell(A)) # about 60 sec on a 64-bit Intel Core i3-5010U CPU @ 2.10GHz

The object dl is a list of length 2 and includes the samples from $x_i(t)$ ($L = 100$ by default) from each $i \in \{1, \ldots, N\}$ and the covariance matrices of the $x_i(t)$, both at each value of the bifurcation parameter. The function simulate_doublewell() simulates the $x_i(t)$ by starting from a default state and gradually increasing a bifurcation parameter until at least one node exits its initial basin of attraction. For the double-well dynamics, we use uniform node stress $u$ as the bifurcation parameter. We initially set $u=0$ and $x_i = 1 \forall i$ and increase $u$ by 0.025 in each round of simulations.

We need to define several parameters in order to find a good node set: the size of the node set (i.e., the number of nodes), the covariance matrices used to compute $d$, and how many samples from $x_i(t)$ were used to compute the covariance matrices. We will use the covariance matrices at the 10th and 90th percentiles of the range of bifurcation parameter values.

n <- 5
k1 <- round(.1*length(dl$Cs))
k2 <- round(.9*length(dl$Cs))

                                        # default values are stored in the simulate_* formals
L <- formals(simulate_doublewell)$nsamples # 100
bparam <- formals(simulate_doublewell)$bparam # u
u.step <- formals(simulate_doublewell)$u.step # 0.025
                                        # a vector of the bparam values
us <- seq(0, by = u.step, length.out = length(dl$Cs))

                                        # Select the covariance matrices at k1 and k2
C1 <- dl$Cs[[k1]]
C2 <- dl$Cs[[k2]]

We first compute the value of $d$ using all nodes. The inputs are the average variance and the variance of the variances of all nodes at the two bifurcation parameter values we chose above:

calc_d(calc_mu(1:N, C1), calc_mu(1:N, C2), calc_nu(1:N, C1, L), calc_nu(1:N, C2, L))
## 14.02725

To find a good node set of size five, we can use the optimize_nodeset() function:

ns <- optimize_nodeset(n, C1, C2, L)

By default, we use a stochastic algorithm: if the number of possible combinations of nodes in the node set is larger than 5000 (which it is in this case), we randomly select 5000 combinations of nodes (uniformly and without replacement). We compute $d$ for each selected node set, and choose the node set which maximizes $d$. The function optimize_nodeset() accepts an argument maxn that allows a different maximum number of combinations above which sampling occurs.

We can compare our optimized node set against the node set including all nodes and a random node set using Kendall's $\tau$:

                                        # Find a good node set with n=5
ns <- optimize_nodeset(n, C1, C2, L)
                                        # For comparison, generate a random node set
                                        # and compute it's d value
                                        # For convenience, make it the same structure as ns
rns <- list(nodeset = sample(1:N, length(ns$nodeset)))
rns$d <- calc_d(
    calc_mu(rns$nodeset, C1),
    calc_mu(rns$nodeset, C2),
    calc_nu(rns$nodeset, C1, L),
    calc_nu(rns$nodeset, C2, L)

                                        # Calculate the EWS (avg. variance)
V.hat_all <- sapply(dl$Cs, function(C) mean(diag(C)))
                                        # Subset the Cs to just our nodes
                                        # use as.matrix to cover the case of one node
V.hat_ns <- sapply(dl$Cs, function(C) mean(diag(as.matrix(C[ns$nodeset, ns$nodeset]))))
V.hat_rns <- sapply(dl$Cs, function(C) mean(diag(as.matrix(C[rns$nodeset, rns$nodeset]))))

                                        # Calculate the Kendall's τ values
cor(us, V.hat_all, method = "kendall")
## 0.9476932
cor(us, V.hat_ns, method = "kendall")
## 0.8301499
cor(us, V.hat_rns, method = "kendall") 
## 0.7919483

We arbitrarily chose $n=5$ above, but we can also select the node set size by iteratively increasing $n$ from 1 until we no longer substantially increase $d$. We use a default tolerance of 0.01 (i.e., we stop increasing $n$ the first time $d$ does not increase by more than 1%) as follows:

system.time(ns_optsize <- optimize_nodeset_size(C1, C2, L, "stochastic")) # about 5 sec
length(ns_optsize$nodeset) # 16

Until now we have used a stochastic algorithm to select a good node set from among randomly sampled node sets. We have also implemented a greedy algorithm. The greedy algorithm starts with $n=1$ and finds the node which maximizes $d$. Denote the current optimized node set by $S$. The greedy algorithm finds the new node $i \notin S$ such that $S \cup \{i \}$ maximizes $d$ among all possible $i \notin S$ and adds $i$ to $S$, and repeat sequentially adding nodes in this manner. Results will usually differ those obtained by the stochastic algorithm.

ns_greedy <- optimize_nodeset_greedy(n, C1, C2, L)
setdiff(ns_greedy$nodeset, ns$nodeset) # greedy ns has these nodes (1, 15, 38), stochastic ns does not
setdiff(ns$nodeset, ns_greedy$nodeset) # vice versa (7, 10, 29)

system.time(ns_optsize_greedy <- optimize_nodeset_size(C1, C2, L, "greedy")) # 0.377 sec
length(ns_optsize_greedy$nodeset) # 26




Code implementing algorithms in "Anticipating regime shifts by mixing early warning signals from different nodes," by Naoki Masuda, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Neil G. MacLaren.







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