This repository contains code to select optimized sentinel node sets which can closely approximate the state of all network nodes, as well as simulation and analysis code which produced the findings in our manuscript. See below for an example analysis.
NB: As of 2024-12-19 this repository currently stores a lot of data. We expect to reduce the data usage in the near future.
The optNS
package is a small R package which implements our optimization algorithm; the name of the package is simply short for "optimize node sets." The ./optNS/
directory contains the code, which you can build with
R CMD build optNS
The built package is also included as optNS_0.1-1.tar.gz
. To install, use
R CMD INSTALL optNS_0.1-1.tar.gz
Please contact me with any questions.
Our method should run in reasonable time for small networks on a standard laptop (I use a laptop with four Intel i3-5010U CPUs at 2.10GHz). In order to support larger networks we used a high-performance computing cluster to simulate node states across ranges of control parameters (our "ground truth" simulations) and to optimize node sets. The shell scripts we used to do this are in ./shell/
and will need to be modified for your parallel computing environment.
In addition to the optNS
package, we use an in-house differential equation simulation package called sdn. We use the following standard R repository packages:
What follows is a simple demonstration of our method using the functions in optNS
. The code below is also included in the repository as demo.R
As tested, we rely on a minimum of the following packages (setting the number of cores, color palette, and random seed for convenience):
ncores <- detectCores()-1
We have already simulated n
, the network g
, and the "ground truth" simulation results to use for optimization. The matrix Y
below is the "ground truth" simulation results for the coupled double-well dynamics on the dolphin network: the rows correspond to control parameter values (here,
network <- "dolphin"
dynamics <- "doublewell"
fullstatefile <- paste0("./data/fullstate-", network, ".rds") # the stored "ground truth" simulation
g <- readRDS(paste0("./data/", network, ".rds")) # the dolphin network
N <- vcount(g)
Y <- readRDS(fullstatefile)[[dynamics]] ## the coupled double-well "ground truth"
y <- rowMeans(Y)
n <- floor(log(N))
To produce one optimized nodeset we call optNS::select_optimized()
soln <- select_optimized(n, g, y, Y)
which took about 2.4 seconds on my laptop. Note that larger networks require far more time and/or computing resources: we run the simulated annealing algorithm for
The output of select_optimized()
is a list of vertex indices, approximation error, and degree sequence; optimized node weights are null unless you ask select_optimized()
to use the quadratic optimization procedure.
To compute the approximation we select the columns from Y
that correspond to the nodes our optimization algorithm returned:
Z <- Y[, soln$vs]
z <- rowMeans(Z)
We can visualize the results as follows:
Ds <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
Ds, Y,
type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 0.25, col = "gray50",
xlab = "D", ylab = expression(x[i]), font.lab = 3
lines(Ds, y, lty = 1, lwd = 8, col = 1)
matlines(Ds, Z, lty = 1, lwd = 4, col = 2)
lines(Ds, z, lty = 1, lwd = 8, col = 3)
To make several node sets, we need a bit more time and a standardized function optNS::make_dataset()
which can produce optimized or random node sets, among other options.
ntrials <- 10
opts <- make_dataset(
ntrials = ntrials, ns.type = "opt", ncores = ncores,
n = n, g = g, y = y, Y = Y
That took about 12.5 seconds on my laptop. Making random node sets takes very little time.
rands <- make_dataset(
ntrials = 10*ntrials, ns.type = "rand", ncores = ncores,
n = n, g = g, y = y, Y = Y
also includes some convenience functions to retrieve information from lists of node sets. We can use those functions to make a plot that summarizes our simulation results:
error <- list(
opt = get_error(opts),
rand = get_error(rands)
xlim <- range(unlist(error))
par(mar = c(4, 8, 1, 1))
plot(NULL, xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0.5, 2.5), xlab = "Approximation error", ylab = "", log = "x", yaxt = "n")
points(error$opt, jitter(rep(2, length(error$opt)), amount = 0.1), pch = 1, col = 2)
points(error$rand, jitter(rep(1, length(error$rand)), amount = 0.1), pch = 0, col = 1)
axis(2, at = c(2, 1), tick = FALSE, labels = c("Optimized", "Random"), las = 2)