The Intel 8088
is a general purpose processor, used most notably in the IBM general use PC.
It has an 8-bit external data bus, with a 16-bit registers and one megabyte address range.
General use. The MOS Tech 6520
was used in a variety of products such as the original Nintendo Entertainment System to a computer used by the BBC.
The Motorola 68000
was one of the first general-purpose processors with a 32-bit instruction set. It was used in the Apple Macintosh for general computing.
Sources for table:
Name | Number | Type | Use |
AX | Accumulator | Arithmetic, logic, data transfer | |
BX | Base | Can be used as a 16-bit offset address. Paired by default with segment register "DS." (memory ref. [BX] means [DS:BX] | |
CX | Counter | Used to control looping | |
DX | Data | Often used to hold single-byte character data and is referenced as DH or DL. Combines with AX to form a 32-bit register for some operations (e.g. multiply) | |
CS | Code Segment | Holds | |
SI | Source Index | Used for pointer addressing, a source in string instructions, offset address relative to DS | |
DI | Destination Index | Pointer addressing, destination in string processing as ES:DI, offset relative to DS outside of string instructions | |
BP | Base Pointer | Primarily for accessing parameters and locals on the stack | |
SP | Stack Pointer | Points to the top item on the stack, address relative to SS (but not for 16-bit addressing), should point to a word, and an empty stack will have SP = FFFEh | |
CS | Current | Points to current program | |
DS | Definition | Points to variable definitions | |
ES | Extra | User defined usage | |
SS | Stack | points to the stack segment | |
IP | Instruction Pointer | Always points to the next instruction to be executed. Offset relative to CS | |
CF,PF,AF,ZF,SF,TF,IF,DF,OF | Flags Register | Determines the current state of the processor. |
Name | Number | Use |
A | Accumulator | |
Y | Index Register | |
X | Index Register | |
PC | Program Counter | |
S | Stack Pointer | |
P | Processor Status Register |
Name | Number | Use |
D0-D7 | 1-8 | Data Registers |
A0-A6 | 9-15 | Address Registers |
A7 (USP) | 16 | Stack Pointer (user) |
A7' (SSP) | 17 | Stack Pointer (supervisor) |
PC | 18 | Program counter |
CCR | 19 | Condition Code Register |
Instruction | Meaning | Notes | Opcode |
ADD | add | r/m += r/imm; r += m/imm; | 0x00...0x05, 0x80/2...0x83/2 |
AND | logical AND | r/m &= r/imm; r&= m/imm; | 0x20...0x25, 0x80/4...0x83/4 |
SUB | subtraction | r/m -= r/imm; r-= m/imm; | 0x28...0x2D, 0x80...0x83/5 |
PUSH | Push data onto the stack | *--SP = r/m; | 0x06, 0x0E, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x50...0x57, 0x68, 0x6A, 0xFF/6 |
Opcode | Operation | Syntax |
AND | A AND M -> A | And (IND, X) |
ASL | C <-[76543210]<-0 | ASL A |
BCC | branch on C = 1 | BCC oper |
DEX | X-1 -> X | DEC |
Opcode | Operation | Syntax |
ADD | Source + Destination -> Destination | Add <ea>,Dn |
DIVS | Destination/Source -> Destination | DIVS.W<ea>,Dn |
EOR | Source OR Destination -> Destination | EOR Dn,<ea> |
MOVEA | Source -> Destination | MOVEAE<ea>,An |
The 8080 contains registers
and data segments
, which are contained in the Bus Interface Unit,
as well as what looks like a queue to contain the next four instructions in the Instruction Stream Byte Queue.
is connected to the registers through the A-BUS,
which appears to also connect it to the flags and the Bus Interface Unit.
Instructions seem to be stored in the Bus Interface Unit,
which includes the Instruction Pointer.
Then, the instructions are fed into the ISBQ
via the C-BUS
before being sent into the Execution Unit Control System.
It seems like the processor does pipeline instructions by using the B-BUS
and C-BUS
to transmit instructions and information through .
The 8088 has a clock speed of 5-10MHz.
The Mos Tech 6502 has several 8-bit registers, including an accumulator register that stores the resluts of arithmetic and logic operations as well as having 2 8-bit general purpose registers.
The ALU is connected to the registers via the internal data bus
56 Instructions.
The processor status register contains several status flags that are either controlled by the program or the CPU
The MOS TECH 6502 came in 1,2, and 3 MHz
The 68000 contains 32-bit registers and a 32-bit internal data bus. It also has a non-segmented 24-bit address bus.
The ALU is connected to the registers by the Internal Data Bus.
Instructions seem to be stored in the Cache Holding Register, before being fed down the Instruction Pipe to the Sequencer and Control.
The processor explicitly pipelines instructions, as outlined in the diagram.
The 68000's clock speed is 4-8 MHz.
Just another SEA-language
Reg | Hex | Name | Description |
R0-R31 | 0x00-0x1F | I0-I31 | Instruction registers |
R0-R7 | 0x20-0x28 | A0-A7 | General purpose registers |
R8-R15 | 0x28-0x2A | B0-B7 | General purpose registers |
R16-R23 | 0x30-0x37 | C0-C7 | General purpose registers |
R24-R31 | 0x38-0x3F | D0-D7 | General purpose registers |
Instr | Opcode | Description |
ADD | 0x00 | dst <= src + tgt |
SUB | 0x01 | dst <= src - tgt |
AND | 0x03 | dst <= src AND tgt |
OR | 0x04 | dst <= src OR tgt |
XOR | 0x05 | dst <= src XOR tgt |
SRR | 0x06 | dst <= src SRR tgt |
SRL | 0x07 | dst <= src SRL tgt |
SLT | 0x08 | dst <= src SLT tgt |
SEQ | 0x09 | dst <= src SEQ tgt |
COPY | 0x0A | dst <= src |
ADDI | 0xFF | dst <= dst + imm |
SUBI | 0xFE | dst <= dst - imm |
COPI | 0xFD | dst <= imm |
JUMP | 0xE0 | jump to imm |
TJMP | 0xFC | jump to imm if dst == 1 |
FJMP | 0xFB | jump to imm if dst == 0 |
Opcode | Description |
0x00 | y <= a + b |
0x01 | y <= a - b |
0x03 | y <= a AND b |
0x04 | y <= a OR b |
0x05 | y <= a XOR b |
0x06 | y <= a r_shift b |
0x07 | y <= a l_shift b |
0x08 | y <= a SLT b |
0x09 | y <= a SEQ b |
State | Control Signal Location |
mem0WEn | controls(28) |
reg0WEn | controls(27) |
alu0WEn | controls(26) |
aludbufWEn | controls(25) |
pcWEn | controls(24) |
memibufWEn | controls(23) |
memdbufWEn | controls(22); |
regR0dbufWEn | controls(21); |
regR1dbufWEn | controls(20); |
muxPCSel | controls(19); |
muxMemASel | controls(18); |
muxMemWSel | controls(17); |
muxRegA0Sel | controls(16); |
muxRegA1Sel | controls(15); |
muxRegAWSel | controls(14); |
muxRegWDSel | controls(13 downto 12); |
muxAluASel | controls(11 downto 10); |
muxAluBSel | controls(9 downto 8); |
flagOffset | controls(7 downto 4); |
aluOp | controls(3 downto 0); |
Signal | Location | Description |
fetch | "000" & "001000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | Get instruction |
decode | "000" & "000000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | Decode instruction |
getab | "000" & "000011" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | Retrieve A and B from register |
geta | "000" & "000010" & "0" & "00" & "10000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | Retrieve A from register |
add | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | aluop for a + b |
sub | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0001" | aluop for a - b |
andst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0011" | aluop for a AND b |
orst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0100" | aluop for a OR b |
xorst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0101" | aluop for a XOR b |
srrst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0110" | aluop for a SRR b |
srlst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0111" | aluop for a SRL b |
sltst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "1000" | aluop for a SLT b |
seqst | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "1001" | aluop for a SEQ b |
addi | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "10000" & "0001" & "0000" & "0000" | aluop for a + imm |
subi | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "10000" & "0001" & "0000" & "0001" | aluop for a - imm |
copy | "010" & "000000" & "0" & "00" & "00010" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | aluop for a SEQ b |
copi | "010" & "000000" & "0" & "00" & "00011" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | aluop for a SEQ b |
jump | "000" & "010000" & "1" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | jump to imm |
tjmp | "000" & "010000" & regr0bottombit & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | jump to imm if the last bit of the retrieved register is 1 |
fjmp | "000" & "010000" & inverseBottomBit & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | jump to imm if the last bit of the retrieved register is 0 |
alu_reg | "010" & "000000" & "0" & "00" & "00001" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | store result in the alu to the regsiter |
pcinc | "000" & "100000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "1010" & "0000" & "0000" | send the pc into the alu, and add 4 |
pcstor | "000" & "010000" & "0" & "00" & "00000" & "0000" & "0000" & "0000" | store the new pc into the pc |
- Docstrings added to rust assembly file
- Added memfile.dat under the assembly folder
- Updated main.sea to be that of FP4. This is a commented, complete, and functional program
- Updated the registers to be accurate to the machine
- Updated the instruction set to be accurate to the machine
- Added better FSM
- Added State Machine table
- Added Control Signals