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Team Pied Piper Project

Team Members

Name XP Core Value
John Monsod Communication
Roger Kuo Simplicity
Siddhant Satish Parmar Feedback
Faizali Mulla Courage
Hashmitha Katta Respect

Project Topic

  • Customized Space Shooter Arcade Game based on Greenfoot starter code P-TYPE.

Summary of Project

Our project involved taking an existing Greenfoot game called P-TYPE and customizing it with several enhancements. Our team coordinated on a regular basis to tackle a set of User Stories that we converted into tangible tasks that each of us worked on concurrently.

This work required us to take the original source code as a starting point, identify several areas where changes needed to be made, and apply code changes as appropriate. We followed a branch+merge strategy, where each of us worked on our respective branch of changes and submitted Pull Requests whenever a tangible milestone as identified in our respective assigned tasks had been achieved. We generally required at least 1-2 peers to review the code before merging changes back to the main branch. We created new tickets whenever we identified any bugs from subsequent testing and assigned them to the most appropriate individual to resolve.

The original game we started with was a simple 2-level game with a main (splash) screen. A few keyboard presses were in place to be able to start the game, fire at UFOs, and move the player's ship in 4 directions (up/down/left/right). We enhanced the game so that it was customized with our new name "Q-TYPE" along with the ability to adjust some settings (e.g. volume), a new game level, the tracking of number of lives and scores, and a leaderboard. Along with these enhancements, we incorporated a few design patterns as part of the implementations.

Summary of Key Features

  • Customized Main Screen
    • New name "Q-TYPE" and our group name "PIED PIPER"
    • Buttons to navigate to the Settings or Leaderboard screens
  • Score Tracking
    • Tallies a total score based on the number of UFO hits during game play
    • Utilizes the Observer Pattern
  • Lives Tracking
    • Tallies the current number of lives remaining for the player during game play
    • Utilizes the Observer Pattern
  • New Final Game Level, aka Boss Level
    • A more challenging level with different attack patterns and speeds
    • A large UFO, aka MegaUFO, that does not die upon a single hit and requires multiple hits
    • Utilizes the Strategy Pattern for the different attack patterns in this level
  • Finish Screen
    • Displays the final messaging after game play, and gates qualification to the Leaderboard
    • Transitions to the Leaderboard
  • Leaderboard Screen
    • Displays the top 10 players and their associated scores
    • Utilizes the Iterator Pattern
  • Debug Observer
    • Provides the ability to overlay different runtime values during gameplay
    • Utilizes the Observer Pattern

High-Level Architecture Diagram

P-Type Architecture High-Level

The game consists of several java source files, and is sometimes collected into a gfar file, similar to a tarball or zip file, but proprietary to the Greenfoot. The Greenfoot environment essentially provides a runtime system to execute scenarios by loading the compiled class files into memory. A scenario represents a single application, and typically this is a game, that can be run within the Greenfoot environment. As part of this setup, Greenfoot relies on the Java JDK/JRE 11.x and its core greenfoot.jar library components that provide a baseline for the scenario to run with. In our case, the Q-TYPE game runs a scenario that builds on top of the World and Actor core components, to create the game mechanics.

A closer look at the underlying components within the Greenfoot environment is depicted as follows:

P-Type Architecture Components

Individual Journals

Summary of Areas of Contribution

  • John Monsod
    • Start Screen
    • Boss Level (final game level)
    • Debug observer
    • Class diagrams (before & after)
    • Architecture diagram
    • Bug fixes
    • Code reviews
    • Sprint Task Tracker
    • XP Core Value - Communication
  • Roger Kuo
    • Player Life count display - Observer Pattern
    • Player Score and display - Observer Pattern
    • Associated UML class diagrams
    • Wireframes
    • 1-min pitch video
    • Bug fixes and code reviews
  • Siddhant Satish Parma
    • Settings Screen - Command Pattern
    • Transition Screen (for player alias input)
    • Display Player Alias and Score after game ends
    • Display Leaderboard
    • Class diagrams (Settings Screen and Leaderboard Screen)
    • Compiled the presentation video
    • Bug fixes
    • Code reviews
    • XP Core Value - Feedback
  • Faizali Mulla
    • TODO - fill in
  • Hashmitha Katta
    • UML diagrams

Sprint Details

Sprint Task Sheet

Sprint Task Sheet

Sprint Burndown Chart

Sprint Burndown

Project Videos

  • Link to your team's project Videos
    • Pitch User Story
      • qtype
    • Project Presentation/Demo
      • qtypepresentation

UML Diagrams

Original P-TYPE Game Class Diagram

P-Type Class Diagram

Revised Q-TYPE Game Class Diagram

Q-Type Class Diagram

Boss Level Strategy Pattern Class Diagram

Boss Level Strategy Pattern Class Diagram

Life Display Observer Class Diagram


Score Implementation and Display Observer Class Diagram


Debug Overlay Observer Class Diagram


Leaderboard Iterator Class Diagram


Settings Command Class Diagram



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