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print("Hello World!")
fn main() {
println!("Hello World!");
I'm a self-taught developer. It was all started in 2017, when I decided my life is so boring and I needed to change something in it. Learning how to talk with a computer is one of the best experience, it brings me a lot of emotions.
I never forget my first program, which is asking user to input an integer number and then counting down to 0 (pretty silly, huh?). But with that silly program, I had a sleepless night, thinking about all things I can archive in the world (Again, pretty silly, huh?). And that was the first time I took coding as my hobby.
Up to now...
- HackerRank's Python Basic
- HackerRank's Python Intermediate
- HackerRank's Python Advance
- Oocademy's Odoo Basic Technical
- HackerRank's Problem Solving Basic
- HackerRank's Problem Solving Intermediate
- HackerRank's CSharp Basic
- Former Backend Developer at SystemGear Viet Nam
- Former Backend Developer at Leflair
- Currently working as Software Developer at Newlogic