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user tabletop simulator

nhmkdev edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 2 revisions

CardMaker and Tabletop Simulator

This information is for exporting cards from CardMaker and importing them into Tabletop Simulator

Individual Cards

Just export from CardMaker and import as necessary! Easy!

Decks of Cards

⚠️ These instructions are only based on my limited experience with Tabletop Simulator.

Tabletop Simulator requires you export your deck of cards as a large image. CardMaker supports stitching of exported images

As of this writing there are a number of somewhat challenging things to work around in Tabletop Simulator.

  • The rows and columns settings have a minimum of 2 (not 1...)
  • The rows have a maximum of 10 and the columns have a maximum of 7. If your deck is more than 69 cards you have to import multiple images.
  • You must have a special hidden slot/card at the end of each image (this number becomes the Skip Stitch Index in CardMaker on export).
  • A card back must be provided.


In CardMaker:

  1. On the Layout you wish to setup for export right-click and select Configure Layout Settings.
  2. Set the Stitched Columns/Rows based on how many cards you need to export.
    • For example: I have 77 cards in a layout. I will need the Columns to be 10 and the rows to be 4. The odd values are to deal with the limitations mentioned above.
  3. On the Layout you configured right-click and select Export Card Layout As Images...
  4. Set the Skip Stitch Index as necessary. This should be the card slot that would be in the lower right of the first stitched image.
    • For my example above of 10x4 cards the value should be 40.
  5. Select the Output Folder and click OK.
  6. With my example the following files were created: Cards_39.png & Cards_77.png
  7. These images are ready to be imported to Tabletop Simulator! You'll also need a card back.