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Retrieves and combines JSON output from ETLs, and uploads to the cloud on a regular basis


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Dockerised repo for combining nightly ETL output

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The profiles-etl-combiner is a dockerised application that will merge and upload to Azure blob storage the output of the GP and POMI data ETLs on a regular basis.

Merging data from multiple sources

Currently there are 2 sources of data:

  • GP data from the NHSChoices syndication feed. Handled by gp-data-etl
  • Patient Online Management Information (POMI) data from NHSDigital's indicator portal. Handled by pomi-data-etl

The output from the GP Data ETL is hosted at

The output files from the POMI DATA ETL are found at

The online files will be used as the source of the merged data if they are available, are valid JSON, and if the total count has not dropped by a significant amount as described in the CHANGE_THRESHOLD below. If these conditions are not met, the previously downloaded files will be used.

The application will download, combine and enrich the ETL JSON, upload it into Azure blob storage on startup, then on a daily schedule while the container continues to run. The time of day defaults to 7:15am, and can be changed via the UPDATE_SCHEDULE environment variable.

Further details on the time format are available at here

The scheduler can be completely disabled by setting the DISABLE_SCHEDULER variable to true. This sets the run date to run once in the future on Jan 1st, 2100.

JSON file validation will fail if the count of records drops significantly. The allowable drop in record count is controlled by the CHANGE_THRESHOLD environment variable. By default this is set to 0.99 which prevents the file being used if it is less than 99% of the previous count.

Azure Blob Storage

If the recommended environment variables are used the uploaded file is available at the address

The Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer may be used to browse the contents of blob storage.

Data structure

An example of the merged JSON can be found in the Sample GP Data

The more interesting members are described below:

Display name

displayName contains the name member adjusted to title case in an attempt to fix names that have been entered in all capitals.


The address member consists of an array of addressLines and a postcode. The member is always present and there will always be a postcode and at least one addressLine.


The location member is a GeoJSON object. It consists of a type member that is always Point, and a coordinates member that is an array of two numbers. The first number is the longitude, the second number is the latitude. These members are always populated.


The contact member may include telephone, fax, website, or email. The contact member is always present, but all sub-members are optional. website will always have a protocol.

Opening times

The openingTimes member may contain a reception, surgery and alteration sub-member.

The reception and surgery members themselves have members sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday. If a reception and surgery member exists, all of the days of the week will be populated.

A day member will contain an array of objects with open and closes members. An empty array means it is not open that day. The open and closes times are strings in the 24 hour format, i.e. 18:30.

The alteration sub-object contains members for each date the practice opening hours change from the standard. The date in the format yyyy-MM-dd, i.e. 2017-12-25. The array of objects contained in the member is the same structure as the day member above.

The openingTimes member is optional, as are the reception, surgery and alteration sub-members.

GP counts

The gpCounts members will either contain both a male and female member, or a single unknown member, never all three. The member will always be present, and the sub-members will always contain a number.


The doctors member is always present and contains an array of strings. It may be an empty array.

Accepting new patients

The acceptingNewPatients member is always present and will contain true or false.

Online Services

The onlineServices member is always present, however, the contents of it are optional. Optional members of onlineServices are:

Repeat Prescriptions

repeatPrescriptions is an optional member of onlineServices. When present it will contain an object consisting of a supplier member and an optional url member (see below for more information on supplier).

Coded Records

codedRecords is an optional member of onlineServices. When present it will contain an object consisting of a supplier member and an optional url member (see below for more information on supplier).


appointments is an optional member of onlineServices. When present it will contain an object consisting of a supplier member and an optional url member (see below for more information on supplier).


supplier is a string, representing the GP's supplier for the type of system the member represents e.g. repeat prescription ordering system. The value will be one of the suppliers listed below ["EMIS","INPS","Informatica","Microtest","NK","TPP"]. Or one of these values with an (I) appended e.g. EMIS (I). The addition of (I) represents a GP that is now using the Informatica system. url is a string representing the best link we know about to use for accessing that GP's online system. It will be a direct link to the system or the GP's website if the system is unknown. And no value is the GP's website is unknown.


The facilities member may contain parking or accessibility members. Each of these members holds an array of objects with properties name and exists. The facilities member is optional, as are the child members. When a child member is present it will always contain at least one item, and the name and exists members are always populated.


The services member is optional and may contain the members epsEnabled, moreInformaton, or entries. epsEnabled is optional and will be true if the practice provides the Electronic Prescription Service. moreInformation is optional free text.

The entries array is always present and contains objects with members title, code, availabilityTimes, introduction, gpReferralRequired and deliverer. code is the unique id within Syndication for that particular service type, i.e an Asthma Clinic is always SVR0208 for all practices. availabilityTimes is free text to hold any additional availability times information. gpReferralRequired will be either true or false. availabilityTimes and introduction are optional. All other members will be present and populated.

Interrogating the JSON with jq

  • List suppliers: jq -c 'unique_by(.Supplier) | [.[].Supplier]' input/pomi.json
  • Find single item by odsCode: jq '.[] | select(.odsCode == "${odsCode}")' data/gp-data-merged.json

Environment variables

Environment variables are expected to be managed by the environment in which the application is being run. This is best practice as described by twelve-factor.

Variable Description Default Required
GP_DATA_URL URL of up to date GP data from Syndication
POMI_BOOKING_URL URL of up to date GP data from POMI
POMI_SCRIPTS_URL URL of up to date GP data from POMI
POMI_RECORDS_URL URL of up to date GP data from POMI
NODE_ENV node environment development
LOG_LEVEL log level Depends on NODE_ENV
CHANGE_THRESHOLD Factor the data count can drop by before an error is reported 0.99
UPDATE_SCHEDULE time of day to run the upgrade 15 7 * * * (7:15 am)
DISABLE_SCHEDULER set to 'true' to disable the scheduler false
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING Azure storage connection string This value is secret and can be currently be found in the profiles-etl-combiner env settings in the secrets repo yes
CONTAINER_NAME Azure storage container name etl-output
AZURE_TIMEOUT_MINUTES Timeout in minutes before file upload errors 5

Architecture Decision Records

This repo uses Architecture Decision Records to record architectural decisions for this project. They are stored in doc/adr.


Retrieves and combines JSON output from ETLs, and uploads to the cloud on a regular basis








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