Every day I keep using NixOS, I can't help but like it even more. It's really that cool.
Now about the config itself? Kindly borrowed code, a bit of coffee and me going deaf from loud music (I should really turn down the volume).
- flake: modular flake.nix thanks to
- packages: collection of useless packages that no one would ever use.
- home: home-manager configuration.
- hosts: host specific configuration.
- polaris: workstation. Bound by NVIDIA, unfortunately;
- modules: modules shared across my hosts.
Run packages with:
nix run github:nicekoishi/dotfiles#<package>
Or install them through your inputs:
# flake.nix
inputs.nicekoishi-dots = {
url = "github:nicekoishi/dotfiles";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"
# configuration.nix
{pkgs, inputs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = [
Same thing for modules:
# flake.nix
# configuration.nix
{inputs, ...}: {
imports = [
# for nixos modules
# for home manager modules
Here is a collection of all repos I shamelessy kindly borrowed some code
from. My special thanks goes to both fufexan and NotAShelf, as I learned a lot
from their configurations.
I couldn't have done any of this if it wasn't for these amazing people.
- NotAShelf
- fufexan
- dustinlyons
- hlissner
- MatthiasBenaets
- Misterio77
- n3oney
- NobbZ
- outfoxxed
- pimeys: repo isn't on GitHub anymore, but I still keep it here