The main function which performs these functions
The data cubes are Dark matter, Gas mass, temperature, numbers densities of HI and HII and ne
infile = fopen(gammagridfilename.c_str(),"rb");
cout<<"Reading file "<<gammagridfilename.c_str()<< endl;
fread(gammaHI_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
cout << gammaHI_cube[0] <<" "<<gammaHI_cube[NGRIDR-1] << endl;
infile = fopen(dmfilename.c_str(),"rb");
cout<<"Reading file "<<dmfilename.c_str()<< endl;
fread(dm_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
cout << dm_cube[0] <<" "<<dm_cube[NGRIDR-1] << endl;
infile = fopen(gasdatagridfilename.c_str(),"rb");
cout<<"Reading file "<<gasdatagridfilename.c_str()<< endl;
fread(delta_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
fseek ( infile, NGRID3D*4, SEEK_SET );
fread(rhog_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
fseek ( infile, 2*NGRID3D*4, SEEK_SET );
fread(temp_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
fseek ( infile, 3*NGRID3D*4, SEEK_SET );
fread(nHI_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
fseek ( infile, 4*NGRID3D*4, SEEK_SET );
fread(nHII_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
fseek ( infile, 5*NGRID3D*4, SEEK_SET );
fread(ne_cube, sizeof(float), NGRIDR, infile);
comp = find_systems(xHI_cube, labels_cube, threshold, NGRID, NGRIDR, NSLICE);
/*Find all pixels which are connected using 4-pixel connectiveity
in a data cube by picking a certain threshold*/
int find_systems(float *data, int *labels, double thres_v,
const long NGRID, const long NGRIDR, const long NSLICE)
bool *thres;
int comp=0, index;
thres= new bool[NGRIDR];
// threshold data
for (int i=0;i<NGRIDR;i++)
if (data[i] > thres_v) thres[i] = true;
else thres[i] = false;
//also set all the labels to zero. zero means not labelled.
labels[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NGRID; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < NGRID; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < NSLICE; ++k)
index = i*NGRID*NSLICE+j*NSLICE+k;
//column major index for array
if (!labels[index] && thres[index])
dfs(i, j, k, ++comp, thres, labels, NGRID, NSLICE);
return comp;
/*recurvsilvey labelling the pixels based on 4 pixels connectivity*/
void dfs(int i, int j, int k, int current_label, bool *data, int *labels, const long NGRID, const long NSLICE)
int index = i*NGRID*NSLICE+j*NSLICE+k;
if (i < 0 || i == NGRID) return; // out of bounds
if (j < 0 || j == NGRID) return; // out of bounds
if (k < 0 || k == NSLICE) return; // out of bounds
if (labels[index] || !data[index]) return; // already labeled or not marked with 1
// mark the current cell
labels[index] = current_label;
// recursively mark the neighbors, 4 pixel connectivity
for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; ++dir)
dfs(i + dx[dir], j + dy[dir], k + dz[dir], current_label, data, labels, NGRID, NSLICE);
Position of maximum in HI field
Total Mass
Total dark matter mass in solar
Size in [kpc/h]^3
Gas temp [K]
Radiation field Gamma
HI enutral fraction HI_delta
HI column densities NHI
//find the location of maximum in NHI which serves as the center of a system
find_argmax(nHI_cube, labels_cube, nHI_max, comp, xi, yi, zi, NGRID, NGRIDR, NSLICE);
//find the gas mass for each system in solar mass
find_total( rhog_cube, labels_cube, mass, comp, dV_proper/SOLARTOGRAMS, NGRIDR);
//find the dark matter mass for each system in solar mass
find_total( dm_cube, labels_cube, dm_mass, comp, dm_particle_mass, NGRIDR);
//the sizes of systems in pixels. dV is in units of [kpc/h]^3 comoving
cout<<" DV factor=" <<dV_comov*1e9<<endl;
find_size(labels_cube, size, comp, dV_comov*1e9, NGRIDR);
//The nHI weighted quantities and column densitites
skewers(delta_cube, temp_cube, nHI_cube, xHI_cube, gammaHI_cube,
delta_w, temp_w, NHI, xHI_delta_w, gamma_w,
labels_cube, comp, sk, xi, yi, zi, dx_proper, NGRID, NSLICE);
find_max(ratio_cube, labels_cube, ratio_max, comp, NGRIDR);
for (int i = 0; i < comp; i++){
if (i<100){
<<"log Mass[solar]="<<log10(mass[i])<<"log Mass_dm[solar]="<<log10(dm_mass[i])<<"\t"<<"ratio="<<mass[i]/dm_mass[i];
<<"Size [kpc/h]^3="<<size[i]<<"\t"
<<"temp ="<<temp_w[i]<<"\t"
<<"gamma ="<<gamma_w[i]<<"\t"
<<"xHI_delta ="<<xHI_delta_w[i]<<"\t"
/*get weighted average quantity over the skewers for each systems,
such as HI clumn density and cosmic density*/
void skewers (float *delta, float *temp, float *nHI, float *xHI, float *gamma,
double *delta_w, double *temp_w, double *NHI, double *xHI_delta_w, double *gamma_w,
int *labels, int comp, int sk, int *x, int *y, int *z, double dx, const long NGRID, const long NSLICE)
int index, index_x, index_y, index_z, j;
double *theta, *phi, *vecx, *vecy, *vecz;
double delta_sum, temp_sum, gamma_sum, xHI_delta_sum, nHI_sum;
bool flag;
theta = new double [sk];
phi = new double [sk];
vecx = new double [sk];
vecy = new double [sk];
vecz = new double [sk];
//set the seed to keep same results every time
for (int i=0;i<sk;i++)
theta[i] = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX)*M_PI;
phi[i] = ((double) rand() / RAND_MAX)*2*M_PI;
//unit vector in random direction
vecx[i] = cos(phi[i])*sin(theta[i]);
vecy[i] = sin(phi[i])*sin(theta[i]);
vecz[i] = cos(theta[i]);
//loop over the number of objects
for (int ob=0; ob<comp; ob++ )
//loop over N skewers starting from peak given by (x, y, z) of each object
for (int i=0; i<sk; i++)
j = 0;
flag = true;
delta_sum = 0;
//set the peak in absorbers as a starting point
index_x = x[ob];
index_y = y[ob];
index_z = z[ob];
index = index_z*NGRID*NSLICE + index_y*NSLICE + index_x;
//do the positive and then negative directions of unit vector to complete a skewer spreading across boundary through the center.
//positive unit vector direction
//cout <<" positive" << endl;
while ( flag &&
index_x>=0 &&
index_x<NGRID &&
index_y>=0 &&
index_y<NGRID &&
index_z>=0 &&
index_z<NGRID )
if (labels[index]>0)
nHI_sum += nHI[index];
//nHI weighted quantities
delta_sum += (nHI[index] * delta[index]);
temp_sum += (nHI[index] * temp[index]);
gamma_sum += (nHI[index] * gamma[index]);
xHI_delta_sum += (nHI[index] * xHI[index]);///delta[index]);
//the next index of current skewer
index_x = ( vecx[i]*j + x[ob] );
index_y = ( vecy[i]*j + y[ob] );
index_z = ( vecz[i]*j + z[ob] );
index = index_z*NGRID*NSLICE + index_y*NSLICE + index_x;
else flag=false;
index_x = ( -vecx[i]*j + x[ob] );
index_y = ( -vecy[i]*j + y[ob] );
index_z = ( -vecz[i]*j + z[ob] );
index = index_z*NGRID*NSLICE + index_y*NSLICE + index_x;
//cout <<" negative" << endl;
//negative unit direction
while (flag &&
index_x>=0 &&
index_x<NGRID &&
index_y>0 &&
index_y<NGRID &&
index_z>=0 &&
if (labels[index]>0)
nHI_sum += nHI[index];
delta_sum += (nHI[index] * delta[index]);
temp_sum += (nHI[index] * temp[index]);
gamma_sum += (nHI[index] * gamma[index]);
xHI_delta_sum += (nHI[index] * xHI[index]);///delta[index]);
//the staring index of current skewer
index_x = ( -vecx[i]*j + x[ob] );
index_y = ( -vecy[i]*j + y[ob] );
index_z = ( -vecz[i]*j + z[ob] );
index = index_z*NGRID*NSLICE + index_y*NSLICE + index_x;
else flag=false;
delta_w[ob] += (delta_sum/nHI_sum);
temp_w[ob] += (temp_sum/nHI_sum);
gamma_w[ob] += (gamma_sum/nHI_sum);
xHI_delta_w[ob] += (xHI_delta_sum/nHI_sum);
NHI[ob] += (nHI_sum * dx);
}//skewer loop
//the average over sk skewers
delta_w[ob] /= sk;
temp_w[ob] /= sk;
gamma_w[ob] /= sk;
xHI_delta_w[ob] /= sk;
NHI[ob] /= sk;
}//object loop
author = {{Nasir}, Fahad and {Cain}, Christopher and {D'Aloisio}, Anson and {Gangolli}, Nakul and {McQuinn}, Matthew},
title = "{Hydrodynamic Response of the Intergalactic Medium to Reionization. II. Physical Characteristics and Dynamics of Ionizing Photon Sinks}",
journal = {\apj},
keywords = {813, 1383, Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics},
year = 2021,
month = dec,
volume = {923},
number = {2},
eid = {161},
pages = {161},
doi = {10.3847/1538-4357/ac2eb9},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2108.04837},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.CO},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}