A music application written with React, NextJS, GraphQL, and Apollo.
- Return user a success message after successfully uploading.
Better UX for adding tags.Fix required settings on the image/song uploading.Add #hashtag functionality.Better styling on tags.Validate file type server side.
Setup nodemailer for emailing user their reset token.- Better email templating.
- Before production change SMTP server to use a real email.
Redirect user to home screen after creating an account.
Display the first two #hashtags that the song has.- Add all the controls to the dashboard.
- ~~"Like Song" functionality.
- Better styling on pagination.
Styling for Users.
Scaffold out the UI for displaying a users profile.Allow users to upload thumbnail/avatar picture.Show followers.Show following.Show users playlist.Show users uploaded music.
- Get toast functionality working.
Add popovers for hover effect. i.e. hovering followers icon should display number of followers with popup.
- Start writing tests.