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SERVER Json_Http_Server

nicol edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 19 revisions

Technical information

  • File Location : $USER_HOME/.magicDeskCompanion/server/Json Http Server.conf
  • Category : SERVER
  • Version : null
  • Status : STABLE
  • Need Authenticator : No

Configure the plugin

Key Description Type Default Value Allowed Values
AUTOSTART Run server at startup Boolean false true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin fill the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header Text *
THREADS Max thread to run Number 8 Any value between 0 and 8
ENABLE_SSL set to true if you want to set the server on https. Need to feel the Keystore fields Boolean false true
INDEX_ROUTES set to true to enable endpoints visibility on index page Boolean true true
KEYSTORE_PASS password to open the keystore Text changeit
Access-Control-Allow-Headers Fill the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header Array Content-Type,Authorization,X-Requested-With,Content-Length,Accept,Origin
ENABLE_GZIP set to true to compress stream returned by the server Boolean true true
KEYSTORE_URI File where are stored certificates Text $USER_HOME/.magicDeskCompanion\data\jetty.jks
Access-Control-Request-Method allow http request method, separated by comma Array GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS GET
BLOCKED_IPS blocked IP. will return 403. Separated by comma Text
JWT_SECRET JWT server secret token Text 5pAHtkWtEMxdKTVQgQkRfF9Sh5iUZA4O+D4FsyzQXO8=
SERVER-PORT listening port for webserver Number 8080 Any value > 80
PRETTY_PRINT set to true if you want to print human readable json. Set to false in production Boolean false true
TIMEOUT_CACHE_MINUTES Timeout in minute for server cache management Number 720 Any value > 0
JWT_EXPIRATION_MINUTES Expiration of the user token in minute Number 60 Any value > 1
JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_MINUTES Expiration of the user refresh token in minutes Number 21600 Any value > 2
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