Releases: nicholaschiang/hammock
Releases · nicholaschiang/hammock
- Fix(messages/id): archived messages can be read: 6f9278a
- Fix(subscriptions): add local component state: 98b7dc2
- Fix: replace 'reading-time' with 'read-time-estimate': ffa6f92
- Fix: don't revalidate mutated account: 3f83de1
- Fix: convert emails to text before estimating reading time: 46cc7a1
- Fix: use OAuth2 refresh token as auth cookie: e019602
- Feat(subscriptions): relabel button 'Save subscriptions': ce31927
- Feat: recursively sync mail to reduce execution time: a69515a
- Fix(api/subscriptions): increase message limit to 1000: 7bf7758
- Fix(feed): revalidate all pages by default: 7445d10
- Feat(api/messages): reduce quick reads to <10min: 1db6c20
- Wip(messages/id): temporarily disable auto-archive: 444586d
- Fix(api/subscriptions): reduce # messages to 100: ca8074a
- Fix(subscriptions): load in batches of 100 messages: 00ea56d
- Fix(subscriptions): don't show duplicate subs: ad5fe4c
- Fix(subscriptions): pre-select all important subs: dd635ab
Feature Changes
- Users can now view estimated reading times in their feed.
- Users can now easily resume reading newsletters (from the new Resume page).
- Users can now see newsletters with <15min reading times (in the new Quick read page).
- Newsletters are now automatically archived when the user scrolls to the bottom.
- Users can also archive newsletters manually using the new "archive" button.
- Users can access archived newsletters on the Archive page (via the new drop-down menu).
Minor Changes
- Perf: only fetch email metadata for letters: 5e9c026
- Wip: parse Gmail data into models on back-end: c54dbac
- Feat(api): add update message endpoint: e908e04
- Feat: store copies of messages in db: a8b6bd0
- Feat: archive button actually works: f560fa2
- Wip: create archive, resume, and quick read pages: 631f38c
- Feat(nav-bar): add overflow pop-up menu: 3a1c71c
- Wip(message): save and restore scroll position: d9cf18d
- Feat: display estimated reading times: 1dd4178
- Feat(message): archive newsletters that have been read: d5ffa32
- Feat(empty): make border less visible: 318f005
- Feat: save subscriptions in user data model: 6b4b9dd
- Refactor: rename letters to subscriptions: d166efb
- Feat: rename page titles to 'Hammock': 71c9f0b
- Feat(nav-bar): convert logout link to button: 3836f02
- Feat: sanitize HTML and open links in new tabs: f063293
- Feat: add Segment analytics: 87bc26c
- Feat: add server-side and client-side tracking: 1f0d7aa
- Chore: update GCP project IDs: 77dad0c
- Refactor: move 'lib/utils/convert' to API directory: 9a79655
- Wip(components/controls): mutate feed data: 6da1981
- Fix(feed): don't add '?' to initial SWR key: f32f4fa
- Fix(pages): use query string boolean: 77516ce
- Fix(controls): navigate back instead of to feed: aeacbbf
- Fix(api/error): remove unnecessary debugger: c25b437
- Fix(api/subscriptions): log correct # of subs: d6cfd89
Minor Changes
- Feat: add letters fallback styling: 745ee96
- Refactor: rename 'reader' to 'feed': b1447bc
- Feat(letters): preselect all "important" newsletters: 1589394
- Feat: navigation is always sticky (never moves): 291f424
- Feat(feed): make date headers sticky: e351def
- Feat: sticky dates should be aligned with avatar: d67fff5
- Fix: use Google OAuth2 to remove 60min timeout: d94ef78
- Feat: move newsletter selection to setup page: 26e92b9
- Feat(login): update copy on Google login dialog: 7c58f88
- Feat(lib/whitelist): add Josh Comeau's newsletter: 9c4b670
- Feat(pages/index): rename from 'Home' to 'Feed': 105f385
- Feat(letters): allow selection while loading: 48eb945
- Perf: replace axios with native fetch API: 78c9698
- Feat(controls): add back and archive navigation only: 3f9ac4a
- Fix: remove unnecessary svg styling: d2021a4
- Refactor(components/icons): remove unused icons: 1553c9d
- Fix: move OAuth redirect URI to env var: f8ae14c
- Feat: partition separate GCP projects: 52649cc
- Fix: increase # of emails fetched to find letters: 5568a17
- Fix(letters): restore important newsletters list: 77ceb46
- Fix: decrease # of emails fetched to find letters: 3647d41
- Fix(letters): don't cut off 'g' and 'y': eb30cb0
- Fix(letters): users can unselect important newsletters: 31664ae
- Fix(nav-bar): export unused NavButton component: 0c7ecc8
- Fix: load letters all at once (not in batches): 95a6618
- Fix(model/user): add locale and gender fields: f3ea186
- Fix(feed): don't cut off fallback dates: 31ffa15
- Fix(letters): mark checkbox as read-only: 26548e3
- Wip(letters): only fetch last 100 messages: 6d6be9e
Initial release of @nicholaschiang's refactored app.