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Ansible Role: Flux

CI pre-commit GitHub Ansible Role

This role installs the Flux binary on any supported host.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yaml):

app_ver: '0.5.8'
app_platform: linux
app_arch: amd64

Controls for the version of Helm to be installed. See available flux2 releases. You can upgrade or downgrade versions by changing the app_ver.

app_install_dir: /usr/local/bin

The location where the flux2 binary will be installed.


Install dependencies

$ ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yaml

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: nicholaswilde.flux2


If you want to use moleculte to test, be sure to check out the repo in a folder titled nicholaswilde.flux2

# Checkout
$ git clone nicholaswilde.flux2
$ cd nicholaswilde.flux2
# Requirements
$ ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yaml 
# Test
$ molecule test
# Converge
$ molecule converge

Pre-commit hook

If you want to automatically lint the files with a pre-commit hook, make sure you install the pre-commit binary, and add a .pre-commit-config.yaml file to your project. Then run:

$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit install-hooks


Inspiration for this repository has been taken from Andrew Rothstein and Jeff Geerling.


Apache 2.0 License

Author Information

This project was started in 2020 by Nicholas Wilde.