I am a director at CM Solutions Metallurgical Consultancy and Laboratories. We are a South African-based company which provides assistance to the metallurgical industry. We offer metallurgical test work (with in-house analysis) and consulting services ranging from desktop, concept and pre-feasibility studies to process modelling to onsite process optimisation.
I also assist in the development and maintenance of Cycad Process, a flowsheeting and simulation package developed for metallurgical engineers.
Factors Influencing Choice of Product and Flowsheet Economics, Hydrometallurgical processing of cobalt short course, SAIMM Copper-Cobalt 2023, Zambia
Understanding the Impact of Particle Size Distribution on Leaching Performance, SAIMM Copper-Cobalt 2023, Zambia
Simulation and modelling, Test work and it's Importance in Metallurgical Design Workshop, SAIMM Hydometallurgy 2016, South Africa
Using IsocalcTM, LIX User Group 2017, Chile
Evaluation of Copper Solvent-Extraction Circuit Data and Performance, SAIMM Copper-Cobalt 2015, Zambia Paper
IsocalcTM, LIX User Group 2014, Spain
Optimisation of Milling and Flotation circuits – A case study, SAIMM Mineral Processing 2011, South Africa
Mill Power Optimiser, SAG Conference 2006, Canada
F.K. Crundwell, F.K., du Preez, N.B., Knights, B.D.H., Production of cobalt from copper-cobalt ores on the African Copperbelt – An overview, Minerals Engineering, 156 (2020)
du Preez, N.B., F.K. Crundwell, F.K., Knights, B.D.H., Flotation of PGM-containing minerals: Plant-wide regression and prediction of circuit performance, Minerals Engineering, 54 (2013) 116-123
Crundwell, F.K., du Preez, N.B., Lloyd, J.M. Dynamics of particle-size distributions in continuous leaching reactors and autoclaves. Hydrometallurgy 133 (2013) 44-50