Welcome to reka. You can find out a little more at nicksellen.github.io/reka/.
- runs on JVM, written in Java 8
- build applications as a DAG of operations
- simple DSL for constructing DAG
- client/server architecture, so can deploy to remote server - client part written in golang
- tiny core (519kb jar), everything else implemented in external modules
- fully dogfood'ed - provisioning API and admin UI implemented with reka
- no downtime redeploys for network protocols - [web]socket connections can even be kept open
- available modules in various states of completeness for:
- network: http, websockets, tcp sockets, ssl
- email: smtp client/server, imap
- databases: h2, postgres
- languages: clojure, ruby (jruby), javascript (nashorn)
- templating: markdown, mustache, jade
- other: ssh, child process, irc, jsx
- not suitable for use in production right now.
I'm looking for feedback, inspiration, use cases, thoughts, insults, and cake.
- java >=8
- maven >=3
If you need to specify special environment, write an env.make file, mine looks like this:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/
export REKA_ENV=development
make run
In the future it might do things like:
- more modules: message queues, more databases, elasticsearch
- modules written in non-JVM languages
- live module reloading via OSGi
- transparent distributed deployment - fundemental architecture totally supports this
- "multi execution" graph architectures - currently each operation is executed once or not at all for a given trigger
- include browser javascript implemention to seamless execute in browser or on backend
- "intellisense"-like service for editors/IDEs
- allow provisioning/configuring of kubernetes/docker instances
Current limitations:
- only single server deployment
- no type verification of data flowing through execution graph
- not good enough solution for error handling yet
- somewhat verbose/complicated to write simple modules in Java
- need documentation on available modules/operations/configuration