instantly prints your draft in a well-set layout. A great companion to a
red Fineliner pen. pd
is a small wrapper script around pandoc
and lp
combines filters and templates to set a print layout that's perfect for editing
the old fashioned way.
make install
You will also need to have Pandoc and a version of a
Latex engine that supports lualatex
. For installing LaTex, I recommend using
TinyTeX and then installing packages as necessary using tlmgr
At minimum, you might need these requirements:
tlmgr install hyphenat \
newunicodechar \
blindtext \
fancyhdr \
lastpage \
Instantly print your draft in a well-set layout.
-h show this message
-r print a hash of the file contents
-d Don't print, just export to PDF
-p A print range for lp. See lp manual for format
pd first-draft.md
pd -p 1-2 first-draft.md
pd -d first-draft.md && open first-draft.pdf
You can optionally include Pandoc filters by
exporting an environment variable called PD_PANDOC_FILTERS
with a
space-separated list of your filter names. The most common way to set
environment variables is by including something like this in your .bashrc
export PD_PANDOC_FILTERS="filter1 filter2"
To execute pd
from vim for the current file you're editing, include this
snippet in your .vimrc
or init.vim
" Print markdown draft using pandoc
function! PrintDraft(...)
let l:filename = expand('%:p')
" If bang! save to file
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 == 1
"do not print
exec "!pd -d " . l:filename
elseif exists('a:2')
exec "!pd -p " . a:2 l:filename
exec "!pd " . l:filename
command! -nargs=* -bang PrintDraft call PrintDraft(<bang>0, <f-args>)
With this, you can call pd
with commands like :PrintDraft
, :PrintDraft!
and :PrintDraft 1-2