The first step of developing a Flask App authenticating with Okta is to create a little Flask App. The simplest to start with is the "Hello World" application.
I create the app in a file called
to which I copy the following code:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
In addition I create file called reqirements.txt
and add the following line:
To start the app I can simply execute:
flask run -h localhost -p 8080
A developer account can be created at
The next step is to create an Application in the Applications tab of the Okta developer page.
I specified a host and a port when starting my flask application. This host and port is now used to create my application in the Developer Account.
Base URIs: http://localhost:8080/
Login redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080/login/okta/authorized
Logout redirect URIs: http://localhost:8080
Group Assignment: Everyone
Grant Type: Authorization Code
The following page can help to decide for a grant type:
As a result a Client ID and Secret are generated.
We have to set a few environment variables for the flask app to consume. These can be found in .env.example.
Please create an env file based on .env.example and set your variable.
- FLASK_SECRET_KEY= generated before deployment (see below)
- OAUTH_CLIENT_ID= provided by okta
- OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= provided by okta
- OKTA_BASE_URL= provided by okta e.g.
- OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=true deactivates TSL for development, do not use this in production
The flask secret key is used for signing cookies cryptographically.
I access the environment variables in
to later import them in
Then I go back to the application itself and modify it to use Okta. The key lines are the following:
okta_blueprint = OAuth2ConsumerBlueprint(
scope=['openid', 'email'],
# by default a login redirects to the root page
app.register_blueprint(okta_blueprint, url_prefix='/login')
Then for any route to ensure authentication we need to add the follwoing lines:
if not okta_blueprint.session.token:
return redirect(url_for('okta.login'))
Instead of checking the token manually for every route, we can use flasks
function. The only thing we need to do is excluding
the endpoints 'okta.login' and 'okta.authorized' that are used during the login
process from the redirect.