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🔍 Terraform Business Insights (TFBI)

Business, Operational, and Adoption Insights for Terraform Cloud & Enterprise

Note: TFBI is a personal project and not associated with HashiCorp.

Summary: Terraform Cloud Business Insights (TFBI) is a tool that provides business, operational, and adoption insights for Terraform Cloud/Enterprise operators. It implements both custom Prometheus collectors and metrics to query the Terraform Cloud/Enterprise API using go-tfe Go libary and a Grafana dashboard to easily explore common business, operational, and adoption metrics.

dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard dashboard


API/Category Metric Name Type Description Implementation Status
Organization Organization Summary Table Organization Details
Teams Total # of Teams Gauge Current number of active teams in the organization
Teams Teams Summary Table Team Summary Table
Projects Projects Count Gauge Current number of active projects in the organization
Projects Projects Summary Table Projects Summary
Projects Projects Count Over Time Time Series Graph Time series graph showing of # number of active projects over time
Users Total # of Users Gauge Current number of active users in the organization
Workspaces Workspace Count Gauge Current number of active workspaces in the organization
Workspaces Workspaces Summary Table Workspaces Summary
Workspaces Workspaces Status Overview Chart Workspaces status distribution chart
Workspaces Terraform Version Distribution Chart Terraform version distribution chart
Workspaces Drift Detection & Continious Validation Enabled Chart Chart showing details on number / % of workspaces that enabled drift detection/continious validation
Workspaces Workspaces Count Over Time Time Series Graph Time series graph showing of # number of active workspaces over time
Workspaces Workspaces Status History Time Series Graph Time series graph showing workspace status over time
Runs Total Runs Counter Total number of runs executed
Runs Total Run Failures Counter Total number of failed runs
Resources Current Total Resources Gauge Number of Total Resources
Resources Current Total Resources Under Management(RUM) Gauge Number of Total Resources
Resources Workspace RUM Breakdown Chart Breadkdown of RUM usage by Workspace
Resources Workspace RUM Breakdown Table Breadkdown of RUM usage by Workspace
Resources Project RUM Breakdown Chart Breadkdown of RUM usage by Project
Policy Sets Policy Set Count Gauge Current number of active policy sets organization
Policy Sets Total Policy Check Failures Counter Total number of policy check failures
Policy Sets Policy Set Summary Table Policy Sets Summary
Policy Sets Policy Type Distribution Chart Policy type distribution chart
Modules Modules Count Gauge Number of Modules in the Private Module Registry
Modules No-Code Module Distribution Chart Percentage of modules that are no-code ready

Note: go-tfe and the TFC/TFE API provide much more endpoints/data that can be scraped beyond what is implemented in TFBI. Feel free to provide feedback/contributions.


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Create a Terraform Cloud or Enterprise API Token
  3. Export your TFC/TFE API Token, name of organization(s), and the TFC/TFE API address:
export TFE_ADDRESS=""  # For TFE, substitute with TFE address instead

NOTE: TFBI supports scraping multiple orgs, you can simply add the organization names as a list (e.g TF_ORGANIZATIONS="ORG_1,ORG_2,ORG_3" )

  1. Spin up the application using Docker Compose

$ docker compose up -d

[+] Running 4/4
 ✔ Network tfbi_default         Created                                                           0.0s
 ✔ Container tfbi-grafana-1     Started                                                           0.0s
 ✔ Container tfbi-prometheus-1  Started                                                           0.1s
 ✔ Container tfbi-exporter-1    Started                                                           0.1s

  1. Now you can access the dashboard using http://localhost:3000, and navigate to Terraform Cloud Business Insights (TFBI) Dashboard

Note: It's recommended to create a Grafana user/password and login using it, otherwise you'll continue receiving auth warning logs in Grafana.

Note: You can also access Prometheus on http://localhost:9090 to explore the collected metrics.

Local Development & Contribution

There is a development docker compose file ( that makes it easier to do active development with hot-reload that takes care of rebuilding the tfbi-exporter binary. You can spin up the stack for local development by running the following. Any time you change and save the code it will rebuild the binary and restart the process (without rebuilding the docker image) making it easier to do active local development.

$  docker compose -f up -d

[+] Running 7/7
 ✔ Network tfbi_default           Created                                                                                                                                        0.0s 
 ✔ Volume "tfbi_go-modules"       Created                                                                                                                                        0.0s 
 ✔ Volume "tfbi_prometheus_data"  Created                                                                                                                                        0.0s 
 ✔ Volume "tfbi_grafana_data"     Created                                                                                                                                        0.0s 
 ✔ Container tfbi-exporter-1      Started                                                                                                                                        0.3s 
 ✔ Container tfbi-grafana-1       Started                                                                                                                                        0.3s 
 ✔ Container tfbi-prometheus-1    Started 

$ docker compose -f logs -f exporter 
exporter-1  | Building...
exporter-1  | go: downloading v1.20.5
exporter-1  | go: downloading v0.13.0
exporter-1  | go: downloading v1.70.0
exporter-1  | level=info TFBI=2024-12-12T17:04:09.944Z caller=main.go:61 msg="Starting tf_exporter" version=
exporter-1  | level=debug TFBI=2024-12-12T17:04:09.944Z caller=main.go:62 msg="Build Context" go=go1.23.3 date=
exporter-1  | level=info TFBI=2024-12-12T17:04:09.944Z caller=main.go:76 msg="Listening on address" address=


Shoutout to Kaisen Dorks for developing terraform-cloud-exporter which I leveraged as the basis for developing TFBI. Much of the scaffloding/structure I leveraged in TFBI is based on their work, and for that I'd like to thank them.

Reporting Issues

Please raise any issues and submit any contribution by pushing a PR to this repo.


Terraform Cloud Business Insights







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