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DEMO of a minimal document search utility.


  • Classic inverted search index.

  • Simple API which makes it trivial to extend with different datastores depending on performance requirements.

  • Includes a redis backed inverted index and a mongodb document store as example implementations.

  • Supports streams to minimize memory use while ingesting new documents.


Example of an instance backed by in-memory stores, which might be enough for certain usecases.

const si = SearchIndex(InMemoryDocumentStore(), InMemoryInvertedIndex());

In real-world use cases where large lists of documents need to be added, using the provided streaming methods will avoid unnecessary memory usage while indexing

const exampleSourceStream = Readable.from([
    "The inverted index data structure is a central component of search algorithms.",
    "A goal of a search engine implementation is to optimize the speed of the query.",
    "For example: Find the documents where word X occurs."

await si.addDocumentsStream(exampleSourceStream);

const result = await si.findWithWords(["the", "search"]);
//  result = [
//    "The inverted index data structure is a central component of search algorithms",
//    "A goal of a search engine implementation is to optimize the speed of the query"
//  ]

Depending on the size/number of the documents and the system's available resources, using external datastores might be preferred. Adding different document and inverted index stores is trivial.

Example using the provided RedisInvertedIndex and MongoDocumentStore:

// Initialize a MongoDocumentStore using mongodb's MongoClient
const mongoClient = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
await mongoClient.connect();
const collection = mongoClient.db('example').collection('documents');

const store = MongoDocumentStore(collection);

// Initialize a RedisInvertedIndex with a node-redis Client
const redisClient = createClient();
redisClient.on('error', err => { console.log(err) });
await redisClient.connect();

const index = RedisInvertedIndex(redisClient);

const si = SearchIndex(documentStore, index);

await si.addDocuments([
    "The inverted index data structure is a central component of search algorithms.",
    "A goal of a search engine implementation is to optimize the speed of the query.",
    "For example: Find the documents where word X occurs."

const result = await si.findWithWords(["search"]);

Example of a custom DocumentStore implementation:

export const MongoDocumentStore = (collection: Collection): DocumentStore => {
  return {
    storeDocument: async (document: string): Promise<DocumentId> => {
      const result = await collection.insertOne({ content: document });
      return result.insertedId.toString();
    getDocuments: async (ids: DocumentId[]): Promise<string[]> => {
      const objectIds = => new ObjectId(id));
      const documents = await collection.find({ _id: { $in: objectIds } }).toArray();
      return => doc.content);


An environment with docker-compose is necessary to run the current E2E tests.

npm run tests
Initializing test containers:

 Network minisearchindex_default  Creating
 Network minisearchindex_default  Created
 Container minisearchindex-redis-1  Creating
 Container minisearchindex-mongodb-1  Creating
 Container minisearchindex-redis-1  Created
 Container minisearchindex-mongodb-1  Created
 Container minisearchindex-mongodb-1  Starting
 Container minisearchindex-redis-1  Starting
 Container minisearchindex-mongodb-1  Started
 Container minisearchindex-redis-1  Started

PASS ./index.test.ts
  SearchIndex using in-memory stores
    √ should find a single document (5 ms)
    √ should not find documents when none contain all words (1 ms)
    √ should find documents when words have different casing (1 ms)
    √ should not find documents for partially matching words (1 ms)
  SearchIndex using redis and mongodb stores
    √ should find a single document (8 ms)
    √ should not find documents when none contain all words (5 ms)
    √ should find documents when words have different casing (4 ms)
    √ should not find documents for partially matching words (4 ms)

Possible further improvements

  • Support for adding multiple words per document in a single call to InvertedDocumentIndex could take advantage of the underlying datastore. Currently the redis and the in-memory implementation wont be benefitted by this.
  • Support for multiple workers during the document ingestion/indexing process could improve performance for large lists.
  • Performance benchmarks, more tests, ?


Document search architecture. sr-ic technical challenge






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