- Version: 1.6
- Author: Morando Nicolò
- Release data: 01/02/2018
- Recent update data: 26/02/2018
- Framework, api used: "sentiment", "express" and "node-telegram-bot-api"
- actually available commands: /start, /author, /vmintelligence, /info, /location and /image.
To install node.js in your folder (Run on CMD):
mkdir namefolder
cd your folder
npm init
To install username (Run on CMD):
npm install username --save
To install express (Run on CMD):
npm install express --save
To install node-telegram-bot-api (Run on CMD):
npm install node-telegram-bot-api --save
To install sentiment (Run on CMD):
npm install sentiment --save
everything must be installed in the folder you created!
Updated the impressions of the bot, removed the score tipology and added the strings impression.
Added hosting user tracker.
Added the "Login Form", without backend.
TODO: complete with database, registration and possible login.
Added the "/info" section.
it drops the bot informations.
and updated all sections.
removed hosting tracker.
Added sections: "/location" and "/image".
To test. start a conversation with my bot (FactInside): t.me/factinsidebot