The analysis shows the details of youtube channels which have highest number of subscribers respective of category, country, language , branded & non branded.
- The dataset is from Kaggle.
- This Dataset has details like youtube channels name, category, language, country, branded or not, number of subscribers and channel's rank.
- Tools Used :-
- MYSQL - Data cleaning and Exploratory data analysis [MySQL File]( PORTFOLIO/blob/main/Most%20Subscribed%20YouTube%20Channel/Most%20Subscribed%20Youtube%20Channels.sql)
- POWER BI - To visualize the analysis output Power BI File >>> Dashboard Overview
- Conclusion :
- This Dataset has no null values
- Channels are in 11 distinct languages
- English language has maximum number of channels
- Among all countries India has maximum numbers of subscribed channel
- Channel with most subscribers is from music category.
- The Dataset is from kaggle.
- This Dataset is about different products sell by flipkart. It has details about product name, price, review, rating, summary about product, sentiment type.
- Tools Used :-
- PANDAS - Exploratory data analysis and data cleaning
- PYPLOT, SEABORN, WORDCLOUD - Data analysis & visualization
- Conclusion : >>>Project File
- Review analysis of 841 unique products
- Has 180379 number of rows
- Positive reviews are maximum followed by Negative reviews and then neutral reviews
- Ratings are of five types [1,2,3,4,5] and maximum products have 5 ratings.
- This Dataset is from kaggle.
- This Dataset consists details about different colleges of america like, college name, description, area it belongs to, student and teacher population, courses they offer, contact details, student teacher ratio, state, region, city.
- Tools Used :- PANDAS, NUMPY, MATPLOTLIB, SEABORN Jupyter Project File
- It has some null values which are represented using heatmap
- Two duplicate columns - state and student population
- 3 types of campus setting urban, semiurban, rural among them urban area has maximum colleges
- 2 types of colleges private and public and private collges are more than public.
- New york state has maximum colleges
- "Doctoral Universities: Very High Research Activity" course is available in most colleges
- "82880" is the maximum student population and "425" is the minimum student population