Q: Why ?
A: Why not !
- using Firefox under Jack you must recompile the source code
- using Discord under Jack is not possible !
- using Jack client under OBS, you experiencing Xruns !
The best option (for me) is to bridge Pulseaudio and jack
My Complete Audio Setup :
- Extra Package for realtime privileges or edit /etc/security/limits.conf manually
- Classic Mainline Kernel (not the RT !!!) most RT capability are in mainline kernel for long time yet
- Ardour as the Main Mixer and routing solution
- Qjackctl for Setup Jack & Pulseaudio Bridge
- REALTIME (box checked) - Standard kernel have RT Capability !
- Select INTERFACE Hardware
- Choose SAMPLERATE (48000 depend HW)
Frames/Period (256 depend HW)
Period/Buffer (2 depend HW)
- Support Midi in JACK (SEQ) if needed (Alsa have Midi Support)
- Interface D-BUS (box checked)
- Interface JACK D-BUS (box checked)
- Execute Script on startup : "pacmd suspend true" (to disable pulseaudio)
- Execute Script after startup : Custom Script to start Pulseaudio and create Named bridge
- Execute Script after Shutdown : "pacmd suspend false" (to restart pulseaudio after jack if poweroff)