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Simple keyboard based web browser. No tabs.

Based on webkit2gtk and gtk3.

No xlibs dependency — works on sway, weston etc.

Look also at manual ( man surfer).

Adblock, videos, other info

For videos install gstreamer packages.

config.h - customize keys, dirs and some other settings before compile.

It can also launch mpv( with help of youtube-dl on supported sites) on links, but remember to pkill -9 mpv if it hogs your cpu, used on non supported sites.

Also possible to use other binaries/scripts - location of dirctory of that settable in config.h

Beside it can toggle JS and History. Ephemeral (priv mode) on links. You can also set css for sites in .surfer/tablecss.txt file.

Search or translate for selected text, settable in config.h

For adblock:

Install Then sudo ln -s /usr/lib/wyebrowser/ /usr/lib/surfer

Or block through /etc/hosts

Or save to .surfer/adblock.json file (ie from )

For JS scripts:

Js scripts (i.e. from greasefork site) place in .local/share/surfer/

name them in following way: -i.e. for run scripts on name script file identically. -if you want script to run on all sites, name it universal.js

Compile and install:

git clone

cd surfer

make && sudo make install

Depends on webkit2gtk, gtk3 development files (install it on your distro)


Ctrl + click link — open link in new window

Ctrl + n — new window

Ctrl + b — go back

Ctrl + f — go forward

Ctrl + q — quit

Esc — stop loading

Ctrl + h — home (bookmarks list)

Ctrl + shift + b — bookmark site (to remove just edit file with links: bookmarks in your SURFER_DIR dir)

Ctrl + o — toggle url bar

Ctrl + / — find word

Ctrl + r — reload page

Ctrl + = — zoom in

Ctrl + - — zoom out

Down Arrow — scroll down

Up arrow — scroll up

Ctrl + w — page up

Ctrl + s — page down

Ctrl + Shift + i — web inspector (page source)

Ctrl + Shift + s — toggle user style black theme (/usr/share/surfer/black.css)

Ctrl + Shift + h — show history if enabled

F11 — toggle fullscreen

Edit config.h to change hotkeys and SURFER_DIR, SURFER_DOWNLOADS, and other settings