Since I have received a copyright infringement claim from Funda, I'd like to mention that I have no affiliation to Funda and this is not an official Funda extension.
All trademarks and tradenames related to Funda, amongst which domain name www.funda.nl
that is registered for Funda’s benefit and a protected and well-known trademark FUNDA
belong to Funda B.V., Funda Real Estate B.V. and Funda Intellectual Property B.V. (“Funda”),
with its registered office in Amsterdam, Piet Heinkade 167, 1019GM Amsterdam.
Chrome / Edge / Firefox extension that adds useful info about a neighbourhood to funda.nl pages.
Adds info about:
- how old are houses in the neighbourhood
- average income of residents
- residents age statistics
- marital status of residents
- immigration background statistics
- other stuff
Data comes from Dutch census bureau (CBS) API.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/funda-neighbourhoods/jibdjhaojkpiagiccmolddmlhllancgj
Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/ndloapdppofpipoclcpehfijapbfbpip
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/funda-neighbourhoods/
npm run build
- build for production
npm run start
- build for development (no minification, uses webpack watch mode)
npm run test
- build for testing with Puppeteer (same as production, but uses a mocked Funda page) and run test
npm run test:ci
- used by CI to build and run tests
npm run release
- pack build folder into a ZIP, so it can be uploaded to extensions store dashboard
Extension code: Vanilla JS
Bundling: Webpack 4
Tests: Puppeteer + Jest
Neighbourhood info API: http://geodata.nationaalgeoregister.nl/
- Make options page easily discoverable
- Add badges to map view