Macro to print variable(s) with values nicely (stripped from release builds)
cargo add log_macro
Add this to top of file:
use log_macro::log;
Possible uses and outputs:
// print string only
log!("hello"); // -> hello
// print variable
let animals = vec!["cat", "dog"];
log!(animals); // -> animals: ["cat", "dog"]
// print multiple variables
let animals = vec!["cat", "dog"];
let fish = vec!["salmon", "tuna"];
log!(animals, fish);
// each variable logged on new line
// -> animals: ["cat", "dog"]
// -> fish: ["salmon", "tuna"]
Variables will be in green color to stand out.
Exported macro code is in src/
macro_rules! log {
// Single literal string case
( $val:expr $(,)? ) => {{
if ::std::stringify!($val).starts_with("\"") {
// Remove quotes for string literals
::std::eprintln!("{}", ::std::stringify!($val).trim_matches('\"'));
} else {
// Print using a reference to avoid moving the value
::std::eprintln!("\x1B[32m{}\x1B[0m: {:?}", ::std::stringify!($val), &$val);
// Multiple variables case
( $($val:expr),+ $(,)? ) => {{
Will run tests in src/
cargo watch -q -- sh -c "tput reset && cargo test -q --lib"
Always open to useful ideas or fixes in form of issues or PRs.
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