An easy-to-use Custom React Hook originally meant to Power Multi-Step Forms for a company that I worked for.
I figured that the piece of code could be useful as I proceed with development work and converted it to a Custom React Hook.
Save the Raw Version of multiStepFormHook.js
to your project.
* A Custom hook for creating React Multi Step Forms.
* @param {Array.<React.Component> | Array.<JSX.Element>} allFormSections - An Array containing all Sections of the Multi Step Form
* @return {{changeActiveSectionNumber: function, activeSectionNumber: number, maxSectionReached: number, resetMultiStepProgress: function, activeSection: React.Component}}
Parameters | Type | Purpose |
allFormSections | Array.<React.Component> | Array.<JSX.Element> |
An Array of all the Form Sections. |
@returns {
activeSection: React.Component | JSX.Element,
activeSectionNumber: Number,
maxSectionReached: Number,
changeActiveSectionNumber: Function,
resetMultiStepProgress: Funtion,
@type React.Component | JSX.Element
This Represents the Currently Active React Component (From the Array that was passed in).
@type Number
@default 1
This Represents the Currently Active Form Section Number.
@type Number
@default 1
This Represents the Max Section Number that the user has navigated to.
@type Function
This is a State Modifier.
This is Responsible for changing the Currently Active Section Number.
Parameters | Type | Purpose |
newSectionNumber | Number |
The New Active Section Number to shift to. |
@type Function
This is a State Modifier.
This is Responsible for Resetting the Progress of the User along the Multi Step Form.
I am not sure whether other developers will have use for this hook but, in an event that happens, I guess that you could help in sprucing up this READ ME file using Examples and Use Cases.
Licensed under MIT. Read it here.