Convenient to use with
# get
$ go install
What is JSONL graph? Node has id
. Edge has from
and to
"id": "",
"can_get_github": true,
"github_url": "",
"git_last_commit": "2021-04-21",
"git_num_contributors": 321,
"from": "",
"to": "",
Kubernetes Pod Owners
$ kubectl get pods -o json | jq '.items[] | {to: (.kind + ":" +, from: (.metadata.ownerReferences[].kind + ":" + .metadata.ownerReferences[].name)}' | jsonl-graph | dot -Tsvg > k8s_pod_owners.svg
Large nodes and color scheme
$ cat '
{"id":"","can_get_git":true, ... }
{"id":"","can_get_git":true,"can_run_tests":true ... }
' | jsonl-graph -color-scheme=file://$PWD/testdata/colors.json | dot -Tsvg > colored.svg
Small nodes or only edges
$ cat '
' | jsonl-graph | dot -Tsvg > small.svg
All Kubernetes Pod Owners with details
# add edges
$ kubectl get pods -o json | jq '.items[] | {to:, from: .metadata.ownerReferences[].name}' > k8s_pod_owners_details.jsonl
# add node details
$ kubectl get rs -o json | jq '.items[] | .id +=' >> k8s_pod_owners_details.jsonl
$ kubectl get pods -o json | jq '.items[] | .id +=' >> k8s_pod_owners_details.jsonl
# flatten objects and render
$ cat k8s_pod_owners_details.jsonl | jq '. as $in | reduce leaf_paths as $path ({}; . + { ($path | map(tostring) | join(".")): $in | getpath($path) })' | jsonl-graph | dot -Tsvg > k8s_pod_owners.svg
Currently only Graphviz is supported. Follow progress of native Go graph rendering in Once it is ready, it will be integrated into this project.
cat testdata/gin.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/gin_nocolor.svg
cat testdata/gin.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph -color-scheme=file://$$PWD/testdata/colors.json > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/gin_color.svg
cat testdata/small.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/small.svg
cat testdata/small.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph -lr > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/small_lr.svg
cat testdata/small.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph -tb > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/small_tb.svg
cat testdata/k8s_pod_owners.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/k8s_pod_owners.svg
cat testdata/k8s_pod_owners_details.jsonl | ./jsonl-graph > testdata/
cat testdata/ | dot -Tsvg > testdata/k8s_pod_owners_details.svg