This is a small (about 64Kb) Sokoban game written in C# with vector graphics. Game and levels are packed in one .exe file. Primary goals of this project are use of vector graphics, MVC-pattern, packed embedded resources, XInput gamepads and using of GDI+ only.
DOWNLOAD latest release here.
CURSOR, WASD, [D-Pad] to move.
ESCAPE, [START] to select another level.
CTRL+, CTRL-, [RB, LB] resizes game board (Numpad's +- keys and Gamepad's bumper-keys does the same).
BACKSPACE, [B] to undo last movement.
F5, [BACK] restarts current level.
You can use gamepad at select level menu: [D-Pad] to navigate, [A] as ENTER and [B] as TAB.
ZipStorer by Jaime Olivares
Rabbit levels by Thinking Rabbit
SVB levels by Belyaev S. V.
GRIGoRusha levels by Evgeny Grigoriev
The game contains about 838 levels.
Level is a text file with CRLF line ending. First line is a name of the level. Next lines contains blocks of level. Level map must ends with empty line (CRLF only).
Legend (without quotes):
_ ' ' underscore or space for empty cells. # Wall $ Barrel or box . Plate * Barrel on the plate @ Player's start point + Player starts over the plate
Do not forget that levels are separated each other by CRLF (empty line).
Rabbit 01 ____#####__________ ____#___#__________ ____#$__#__________ __###__$##_________ __#__$_$_#_________ ###_#_##_#___###### #___#_##_#####__..# #_$__$__________..# #####_###_#@##__..# ____#_____######### ____#######________
Levels are contained in a single text file. You can pack that file into a .zip archive. One .zip contains one level file. Game will automatically recognize zipped files.
Sokoban.exe userDefinedLevels.pack