Backend expertise seamlessly extended to Full-stack development with Next.js, proficient in architecting dynamic server-side functionalities and crafting immersive user interfaces
- ⛵ My Past Projects include:
- CRM App: A customer relationship management application for managing customer interactions.
- E-Commerce App: An online shopping platform for buying and selling products.
- Social App: A social networking application for connecting with friends and sharing updates.
- Book-store App: An application for browsing and purchasing books online.
🌱 I’m currently learning Next.Js, React.js, Typescript, PrismaORM and TypeORM to enhance my skills and expand my knowledge.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Node.js/React.js Apps, RESTful APIs, ExpressJS Apps, Git, and HTML.
💻 My Tech Stack:
- Next.js: React-based framework for building web applications.
- React.js: Library for building interactive user interfaces.
- Typescript: Adds static typing to JavaScript for safety.
- JavaScript: Dynamic scripting language for web development tasks.
- NodeJS: JavaScript runtime for server-side applications.
- ExpressJS: Minimalist web framework for Node.js.
- RESTfulAPIs: For building scalable and interoperable APIs.
- Git/Github: Distributed version control system for Version control and Collaboration.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing data.
- PostgreSQL: A relational database for structured data.
- GitHub Actions: For automating workflows and continuous integration.
- CircleCI: For continuous integration and deployment.