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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces
  • AtCoder   AtCoder


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
98 B - Distance C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Aug/02/2020 14:02
97 A - Air Conditioner C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Aug/02/2020 14:00
96 C - Tsundoku C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *300 Jun/27/2020 19:26
95 D - Sum of Divisors C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *400 Jun/27/2020 14:26
94 B - Minor Change C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *200 Jun/27/2020 14:03
93 A - Calc C++ (GCC 9.2.1) AtCoder *100 Jun/27/2020 14:00
92 D - Ehab's Last Corollary GNU C++14 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy implementation trees *2100 Jun/13/2020 23:41
91 C - Ehab and Prefix MEXs GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 Jun/13/2020 17:39
90 B - Most socially-distanced subsequence GNU C++14 greedy two pointers *1300 Jun/13/2020 17:20
89 A - XXXXX GNU C++14 brute force data structures number theory two pointers *1200 Jun/13/2020 17:11
88 D - Catowice City GNU C++14 2-sat dfs and similar graph matchings graphs *2400 Jun/13/2020 15:33
87 A - Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory GNU C++14 combinatorics dp math *1700 Jun/13/2020 14:19
86 F - Swaps Again GNU C++14 constructive algorithms implementation sortings *2100 Jun/13/2020 13:09
85 E - Maximum Subsequence Value GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms *1900 Jun/07/2020 18:15
84 D - Solve The Maze GNU C++14 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs greedy implementation shortest paths *1700 Jun/07/2020 17:50
83 C - Rotation Matching GNU C++14 constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1400 Jun/07/2020 17:26
82 B - Trouble Sort GNU C++14 constructive algorithms implementation *1300 Jun/07/2020 17:17
81 A - Matrix Game GNU C++14 games greedy implementation *1100 Jun/07/2020 16:42
80 E - Tree Shuffling GNU C++14 dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 May/31/2020 18:10
79 C - Game On Leaves GNU C++14 games trees *1600 May/31/2020 17:18
78 B - Subsequence Hate GNU C++14 implementation strings *1400 May/31/2020 16:56
77 A - Odd Selection GNU C++14 brute force implementation math *1200 May/31/2020 16:44
76 C1 - Simple Polygon Embedding GNU C++14 binary search geometry math ternary search *1400 May/17/2020 12:15
75 B - Ternary String GNU C++14 binary search dp implementation two pointers *1200 May/17/2020 11:44
74 A - Alarm Clock GNU C++14 math *900 May/17/2020 11:27
73 D - Game With Array GNU C++14 constructive algorithms math *1400 May/16/2020 14:48
72 B - Young Explorers GNU C++14 dp greedy sortings *1200 May/16/2020 13:54
71 A - Sequence with Digits GNU C++14 brute force implementation math *1200 May/16/2020 13:48
70 C - Phoenix and Distribution GNU C++14 constructive algorithms greedy sortings strings *1600 May/01/2020 18:31
69 B - Phoenix and Beauty GNU C++14 constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1400 May/01/2020 17:24
68 A - Phoenix and Balance GNU C++14 greedy math *800 May/01/2020 16:51
67 D - Minimum number of steps GNU C++14 combinatorics *1400 May/21/2017 14:51
66 D - Cloud of Hashtags GNU C++14 binary search greedy implementation strings *1800 Feb/24/2017 13:39
65 D - Cartons of milk GNU C++14 binary search data structures greedy sortings two pointers *2100 Feb/19/2017 08:41
64 D - Mahmoud and a Dictionary GNU C++14 data structures dfs and similar dp dsu graphs *2000 Feb/17/2017 10:23
63 D - Dispute GNU C++14 dfs and similar graphs greedy *2100 Feb/01/2017 13:52
62 D - Physical Education GNU C++14 sortings *1500 Feb/01/2017 13:13
61 D - Fedor and coupons GNU C++11 binary search data structures greedy sortings *2100 Jan/07/2017 11:53
60 E - Santa Claus and Tangerines GNU C++11 binary search data structures dp two pointers *2100 Dec/27/2016 19:54
59 B - Santa Claus and Keyboard Check GNU C++11 greedy implementation strings *1500 Dec/25/2016 13:32
58 D - Match & Catch GNU C++11 dp string suffix structures strings *2200 Dec/23/2016 16:37
57 D - Winter Is Coming GNU C++11 dp greedy sortings *1800 Dec/23/2016 11:17
56 C - Servers GNU C++11 implementation *1300 Dec/22/2016 08:47
55 B - Graph Coloring GNU C++11 dfs and similar graphs *2200 Dec/18/2016 11:04
54 D - Chloe and pleasant prizes GNU C++11 dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1800 Dec/14/2016 21:43
53 C - Epidemic in Monstropolis GNU C++11 constructive algorithms dp greedy two pointers *1800 Nov/01/2016 09:00
52 D - Kostya the Sculptor GNU C++11 data structures hashing *1600 Oct/31/2016 15:43
51 B - Parade GNU C++11 math *1100 Oct/31/2016 15:18
50 A - Grasshopper And the String GNU C++11 implementation *1000 Oct/31/2016 15:10
49 E - Xenia and Tree GNU C++11 data structures divide and conquer trees *2400 Oct/30/2016 19:42
48 E - Enemy is weak GNU C++11 data structures trees *1900 Oct/29/2016 15:36
47 E - Little Artem and Time Machine GNU C++11 data structures *2000 Oct/29/2016 15:05
46 C - Case of Chocolate GNU C++11 data structures *2200 Oct/29/2016 09:43
45 C - PLEASE GNU C++11 combinatorics dp implementation math matrices *2000 Oct/28/2016 19:07
44 C - Ciel the Commander GNU C++11 constructive algorithms dfs and similar divide and conquer greedy trees *2100 Oct/28/2016 15:20
43 E - Table Compression GNU C++11 dsu graphs greedy *2200 Oct/26/2016 12:05
42 E - XOR and Favorite Number GNU C++11 data structures *2200 Oct/25/2016 18:06
41 B - Connecting Universities GNU C++11 dfs and similar dp graphs trees *1800 Oct/24/2016 19:24
40 E - A Simple Task GNU C++11 data structures sortings strings *2300 Oct/24/2016 09:15
39 C - Points on Plane GNU C++11 constructive algorithms divide and conquer geometry greedy sortings *2100 Oct/19/2016 23:22
38 E - Correct Bracket Sequence Editor GNU C++11 data structures dsu strings *1700 Oct/19/2016 22:48
37 C - The Values You Can Make GNU C++11 dp *1900 Oct/19/2016 21:35
36 D - Complete The Graph GNU C++11 graphs shortest paths *2300 Oct/13/2016 12:45
35 D - Persistent Bookcase GNU C++11 bitmasks data structures dfs and similar implementation *2200 Oct/10/2016 11:14
34 B - Ant Man GNU C++11 dp graphs greedy *2500 Oct/10/2016 08:16
33 D - Mishka and Interesting sum GNU C++11 data structures *2100 Oct/09/2016 19:50
32 A - As Fast As Possible GNU C++11 binary search math *1900 Oct/09/2016 09:27
31 B - Fix a Tree GNU C++11 constructive algorithms dfs and similar dsu graphs trees *1700 Oct/09/2016 07:08
30 B - Puzzles GNU C++11 dfs and similar math probabilities trees *1700 Oct/08/2016 08:50
29 D - Friends and Subsequences GNU C++11 binary search data structures *2100 Oct/07/2016 12:00
28 D - Remainders Game GNU C++11 chinese remainder theorem math number theory *1800 Sep/29/2016 10:44
27 D - Kay and Snowflake GNU C++11 data structures dfs and similar dp trees *1900 Sep/28/2016 19:57
26 D - Alyona and Strings GNU C++11 dp strings *1900 Sep/27/2016 20:07
25 D - Gifts by the List GNU C++11 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs trees *2000 Sep/22/2016 15:05
24 B - Bear and Tower of Cubes GNU C++11 binary search dp greedy *2200 Sep/20/2016 11:15
23 D - Vanya and Treasure GNU C++11 data structures dp graphs shortest paths *2300 Sep/19/2016 21:25
22 D - Theseus and labyrinth GNU C++11 graphs implementation shortest paths *2000 Sep/14/2016 19:48
21 D - Дерево GNU C++11 data structures trees *1800 Sep/13/2016 20:44
20 B - Robin Hood GNU C++11 binary search greedy *2000 Sep/13/2016 17:52
19 D1 - Magic Powder - 1 GNU C++11 binary search brute force implementation *1400 Sep/11/2016 07:05
18 D2 - Magic Powder - 2 GNU C++11 binary search implementation *1500 Sep/11/2016 07:04
17 B - World Tour GNU C++11 graphs shortest paths *2000 Sep/10/2016 21:35
16 D - Bicycle Race GNU C++14 geometry implementation math *1500 Sep/09/2016 23:05
15 B - Image Preview GNU C++14 binary search brute force dp two pointers *1900 Sep/08/2016 10:42
14 D - Messenger GNU C++14 data structures hashing implementation string suffix structures strings *2100 Sep/08/2016 08:13
13 D - Babaei and Birthday Cake GNU C++14 data structures dp *2000 Sep/07/2016 20:54
12 D - Finals in arithmetic GNU C++14 constructive algorithms implementation math *2400 Sep/07/2016 17:17
11 D - Rat Kwesh and Cheese GNU C++14 brute force constructive algorithms math *2400 Sep/06/2016 15:07
10 D - Polyline GNU C++14 constructive algorithms implementation *1700 Sep/05/2016 23:23
9 B - Skills GNU C++14 binary search brute force dp greedy sortings two pointers *1900 Aug/31/2016 12:03
8 D - Vika and Segments GNU C++14 constructive algorithms data structures geometry two pointers *2300 Aug/30/2016 23:29
7 B - Moodular Arithmetic Java 8 combinatorics dfs and similar dsu math number theory *1800 Aug/27/2016 07:58
6 B - Lipshitz Sequence Java 8 data structures math *2100 Aug/26/2016 22:03
5 D - Spongebob and Squares GNU C++11 brute force math *1900 Aug/26/2016 10:10
4 D - Wilbur and Trees GNU C++11 dp math probabilities sortings *2300 Aug/26/2016 08:29
3 B - Max and Bike GNU C++11 binary search geometry *2500 Aug/25/2016 21:26
2 D - Happy Tree Party GNU C++11 data structures dfs and similar graphs math trees *2400 Aug/19/2016 00:18
1 B - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers GNU C++11 binary search geometry math *2100 Aug/18/2016 22:13


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