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This is my personal ESLint config. Feel free to use it if you want.


You need to install some peer dependencies based on the flavor that you want to use. Depending on your package manager, you have to install them yourself.

base - Javascript Only

Included Configs:

  • eslint-config-airbnb-base
  • eslint-config-prettier

Included Plugins:

  • eslint-plugin-import
  • eslint-plugin-no-secrets
  • eslint-plugin-prettier
  • eslint-plugin-sonarjs
  • eslint-plugin-unicorn
  • eslint-plugin-unused-imports
  • @cspell/eslint-plugin

react - React using Javascript Only

Required Configs:

  • eslint-config-airbnb

Required Plugins:

  • eslint-plugin-react
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks
  • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y

typescript - Typescript support

Required Package:

  • @typescript-eslint/parser

Required Plugins:

  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

react-typescript - React using Typescript

To use this you also need to install all packages/configs/plugins which are required for the 'react' and 'typescript' flavors.

Required Configs:

  • eslint-config-airbnb-typescript


Note: Some package managers automatically install peer dependencies.

Install (npm without/with peer dependencies):

npm install --save-dev eslint @nimec/eslint-config
npx install-peerdeps -D @nimec/eslint-config

Install (yarn without/with peer dependencies):

yarn add -D eslint @nimec/eslint-config
npx install-peerdeps --yarn -D @nimec/eslint-config

Install (pnpm without/with peer dependencies):

pnpm add -D eslint @nimec/eslint-config
npx install-peerdeps --pnpm -D @nimec/eslint-config

Extending this config

Without specifying a flavor

Update your .eslintrc to extend this config. This will automatically determine your environment and select the corresponding flavor.

  "extends": [

Specifying a flavor

Update your .eslintrc to extend this config.

  "extends": [

Using createConfig

You can use the createConfig function exported by @nimec/eslint-config/lib/utils to generate a customized function. You can use the following settings to customize the result:

Property Allowed values / type Default value Description
typescript true, false false Generate a config optimized for typescript
react true, false false Generate a config optimized for react
prettier true, false true Include prettier
ignoreConfigs String[] [] Ignore default config(s)
ignorePlugins String[] [] Ignore default plugin(s)
ignoreRules String[] [] Ignore default rule(s)
extraConfigs String[] [] Config(s) to include
extraPlugins String[] [] Plugin(s) to include
extraRules {[key: String]: any} {} Rule(s) to include
overrideConfigs String[], undefined undefined Override config(s)
overridePlugins String[], undefined undefined Override plugin(s)
overrideRules {[key: String]: any}, undefined undefined Override rule(s)
overrideWipeRules true, false false Determines whether overrideRules keeps all rules not present in overrideRules or not. Setting this to true will only include rules present in overrideRules.

Example: Default config without prettier

const { createConfig } = require('@nimec/eslint-config/lib/utils');

module.exports = createConfig({
  prettier: false,

Flavor specific configuration

typescript / react-typescript

When using one of these flavors, you need to add the parserOptions key to your eslint config. Here is an example:

  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2022,
    "project": "./tsconfig.json"
  "extends": [


How does this config determine which flavor to select?

React: The config checks whether the package react is installed or not.

Typescript: The config checks whether a tsconfig.json exists in the same directory as the eslint config.