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Masternaut Connect API Java SDK

Getting Started

The Masternaut API requires you to have an api username, password and customer id.

All API calls are routed from the MasternautConnect object.

MasternautConnect connect = MasternautConnect.make(

The sdk is hosted on maven central, so you can include it as a dependency in your projects as follows:


implementation 'com.9ls:masternaut-connect-jdk:1.34.4'

Apache Maven


Apache Ivy

<dependency org="com.9ls" name="masternaut-connect-jdk" rev="1.34.4" />

Connect General

List Group

Get the group hierarchy starting from the root node.

List<Group> groups = connect.groups().list().fetch();

Add Group

Add a new group

Group group = connect.groups().add()
    .withName("A new group")

Update Group

Update the group that matches the group id

Group group = connect.groups().update("652939f1e8b9ea0596fd2f2a")
        .withName("A new group name")
        .withVehicleIds(Arrays.asList("54070", "54082"))

Delete Group

Delete the group that matches the group id


List Location

Returns the location (points of interest) matching the specified parameters.

Page<Location> locations = connect.locations().list()

The next page can be called from the returned object as follows

if (locations.hasNext()) {
    Page<Location> nextPageOfLocations =;    

A helper method exists to fetch all the pages of locations and aggregate them into a single list of locations

List<Location> locations = connect.locations().list()

Add Location

Add a new location with geo-fence boundary set to be CIRCULAR

Location location = connect.locations().add()
        .withName("Masternaut Restaurant")
        .withCoordinate(new Coordinate()
                .withLongitude(new BigDecimal("53.821729867523"))
                .withLatitude(new BigDecimal("-1.3447768777930378")))
        .withRadius(new BigDecimal("0.001"))
        .withAddress(new Address()
                .withRoad("Priory Park")
                .withPostCode("LE1 1EY")
        .withContact("Brad Woodenhouse")
        .withNotes("Company restaurant in Leeds")

Update Location

Request to update location details. This is a partial update and only those details specified in the request will be updated.

Location location = connect.locations().update("506b072b60b1f908e7b59cef")
        .withName("Masternaut Restaurant")
        .withCoordinate(new Coordinate()
                .withLongitude(new BigDecimal("53.821729867523"))
                .withLatitude(new BigDecimal("-1.3447768777930378")))
        .withRadius(new BigDecimal("0.001")))

You can also prepopulate a LocationUpdateRequest with a details from a Location via the withLocation() method.

Location location = ...
LocationUpdateRequest request = new LocationUpdateRequest(location);
assert location.getReference() == request.getReference();

Delete Location

Delete a location that matches the location id.


List Location Category

Returns the details for all location categories. If a location category identifier is specified, then only details of the specified location category are returned.

List<LocationCategory> categories = connect.locationCategories().list().fetch();
LocationCategory category = connect.locationCategories().get("51d3e8e91f2659398989ad2a");

Add Location Category

Add a new location category.

LocationCategory category = connect.locationCategories().add()
        .withName("Masternaut customer")

Update Location Category

Update the location category that matches the category id.

LocationCategory category = connect.locationCategories().update("535917de60b113440f8f3df4")
        .withName("Masternaut Customer")

Delete Location Category

Delete the location category that matches the category id.


List Vehicle

Returns the vehicles matching the specified parameters.

Page<Vehicle> vehicles = connect.vehicles().list()
        .withVehicleIds(Arrays.asList("54070", "54072"))

The next page can be called from the returned object as follows

if (vehicles.hasNext()) {
    Page<Vehicle> nextPageOfVehicles =;    

A helper method exists to fetch all the pages of vehicles and aggregate them into a single list of vehicles.

List<Vehicle> vehicles = connect.vehicles().list()

Update Vehicle

Update the details for an existing vehicle. This is a partial update and only those values specified will be updated.

Vehicle vehicle = connect.vehicles().update("54082")
        .withAssetCosts(new AssetCosts()

List Driver

Returns the drivers matching the specified parameters.

Page<Driver> drivers = connect.drivers().list()

The next page can be called from the returned object as follows

if (drivers.hasNext()) {
    Page<Driver> nextPageOfDrivers =;    

A helper method exists to fetch all the pages of drivers and aggregate them into a single list of drivers.

List<Drivers> drivers = connect.drivers().list().collect();

List Driver Details

Returns the details for a driver including their default vehicle.

Driver driver = connect.drivers().get("20464");

Add Driver

Request to add a new driver.

Driver driver = connect.drivers().add()
        .withName("Hayton Wood")

Update Driver

Request to update the details for an existing driver. This is a partial update and only those values specified will be updated.

Driver driver = connect.drivers().update("66973")
        .withName("Hayton Wood")
        .withKeys(Arrays.asList(key1, key2, key3))

Delete Driver

Request to delete a driver that matches the driver id.

Driver driver = connect.drivers().delete("66973");

Set Driver Default Vehicle

Set the default vehicle for a driver to the specified vehicle id. An error is returned in the following cases:

  • If there is already a default vehicle assigned to the driver;
  • If the vehicle is already assigned to be the default vehicle for another driver;
Driver driver = connect.drivers().setDefaultVehicle("66973", "18117");

Delete Driver Default Vehicle

Delete the default vehicle for a driver.

An error is returned in the following cases:

  • There is no default vehicle assigned to the driver.
  • The vehicle id does not match the existing default vehicle for the driver.
Driver driver = connect.drivers().unsetDefaultDriver("66973", "18117");

Unlink Driver Default Vehicle

Unlink a driver to their default vehicle without having to specify the existing default vehicle.

An error is returned in the following cases:

  • There is no default vehicle assigned to the driver.
Driver driver = connect.drivers().unlinkDefaultDriver("66973");

Live Tracking

Live Position

Returns the live position and status for a resource (driver or vehicle). The live position for a vehicle on a private journey is not returned. By default, vehicles which have a status of SOLD are not included in the response.

List<LivePosition> live = connect.tracking().live()
        .withVehicleIds(Arrays.asList("54072", "54070"))

Live Position Latest

Returns the live position and status for a resource (driver or vehicle). The live position for a vehicle on a private journey is not returned. By default, vehicles which have a status of SOLD are not included in the response.

This method can be used to return details for only those vehicles where tracking data has been processed since a specified processed date/time.

LatestLivePositionList positions = connect.tracking().latest()
        .withVehicleIds(Arrays.asList("54072", "54070")),

The response provides a method to get a refreshed response for tracking data processed since the last response.

positions = positions.refresh();

There is also a utility class to automatically poll for updates to tracking data. The example below will call the latest live positions every 15 seconds and call all the registered listeners with returned data.

LatestLivePositionPoller poller = LatestLivePositionPoller.builder(connect.tracking().latest()
        .withVehicleIds(Arrays.asList("54072", "54070")))
        .withPollingInterval(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

poller.addListener(new LatestLivePositionListener() {
    public void onUpdate(LatestLivePositionList positions) {
        // Process latest position tracking data

    public void onError(Exception e) {
        // Handle error from call


Find Nearest Vehicle

Returns all the nearest vehicles to the search point. Details for a vehicle on a private journey are not returned. The number of vehicles returned is restricted to the maximum specified. The vehicles are ordered based on distance from the search point.

List<ObjectDistance> matches = connect.vehicles().nearest()

Find Nearest Location

Returns all the nearest Point of Interest (POI) locations to a search point. The number returned is restricted to the maximum specified. The locations returned are ordered based on distance from the specified search point.

List<ObjectDistance> matches = connect.locations().nearest()

Distance Travelled

Returns the distance travelled (in kilometres) by a vehicle for all journeys where the journey started within the period. The end date for the journey does not have to be within the period. The distance travelled on private journeys that started in the period is included.

List<DistanceTravelled> journeySummaries = connect.tracking().getJourneySummaries()


Vehicle Fuel Consumption

Returns summary utilisation information for a vehicle for all journeys where the journey started in the period.

List<VehicleFuelConsumption> fuelConsumptions = connect.vehicles().fuelConsumption()

Drive Fuel Consumption

Returns the fuel consumption and CO2 information for all journeys where the journey started in the period. The end date of the journey does not have to be within the period. Separate fuel consumption details are returned for each vehicle driven by a driver. Includes the fuel used on a private journey.

List<DriverFuelConsumption> fuelConsumptions = connect.drivers().fuelConsumption()

Custom Configuration

You can also use Configuration to configure the SDK. Apart from the the api key all the other values have defaults.

MasternautConnect connect = Masternaut.make(new Configuration()
    .withUserAgent("masternaut-connect-jdk 1.34.4")
Configuration Attribute Description
Endpoint The base api url. Defaults to
MaxConnectionsPerRoute The effective maximum number of concurrent connections in the pool. Connections try to make use of the keep-alive directive. Defaults to 20
UserAgent The user agent string sent in the request
BlockTillRateLimitReset If set to true then the client will block if the rate limit has been reached until the reset timestamp has expired. Defaults to false
RequestsPerSecond If rate limited is true then the maximum requests per second
RequestBurstSize If rate limited the number of consecutive requests allowed before rate limit is enforced


Once you have checked out the project you can build and test the project with the following command:

gradlew check -x integrationTest -x jacocoTestReport


Masternaut Connect API Java SDK







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