PyTorch implementation of ["Active Learning for Open-set Annotation"]( Accepted by CVPR2022)
Currently, requires following packages.
- CUDA 10.1+
- python == 3.7.9
- pytorch == 1.7.1
- torchvision == 0.8.2
- scikit-learn == 0.24.0
- tensorboardx == 2.1
- matplotlib == 3.3.3
- numpy == 1.19.2
- scipy == 1.5.3
For CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, we provide a function to automatically download and preprocess the data, you can also download the datasets from the link, and please download it to ~/data
Zip this repo and run the code
$ cd LfOSA
run the code
$ python --gpu 0 --save-dir log_AL/ --weight-cent 0 --query-strategy uncertainty --init-percent 8 --known-class 20 --query-batch 1500 --seed 1 --model resnet18 --dataset cifar100
- Option
- --datatset: cifar10, cifar100 and TinyImagenet.
- In our experiment, we set --init-percent 8 in CIFAR100, TinyImagenet and --init-percent 1 in CIFAR10.
- We set --query-batch 1500 and --model resnet18 in all our experiments.
- We set --known-class = 20, 30, 40, 50. And we set --seed = 1, 2, 3, 4.
- The --query-strategy can be selected from random, uncertainty, AV_based, KMeans, BALD.
run the code
$ python --gpu 0 --save-dir log_AL/ --weight-cent 0 --query-strategy AV_temperature --init-percent 8 --known-class 20 --query-batch 1500 --seed 1 --model resnet18 --known-T 0.5 --unknown-T 0.5 --modelB-T 1 --dataset cifar100
- Option
- --datatset: cifar10, cifar100 and TinyImagenet.
- In our experiment, we set --init-percent 8 in CIFAR100, TinyImagenet and --init-percent 1 in CIFAR10.
- We set --query-batch 1500 and --model resnet18 in all our experiments.
- We set --known-class = 20, 30, 40, 50. And we set --seed = 1, 2, 3, 4.
To evaluate the proformance of LfOSA, we provide a script to plot experimental results as shown in
, run this command:
$ python
After running process 3, 4, 5, we can obatain the following results.