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[com.ninjakoala/bjorr "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] ;; latest release

A Timbre appender for which uses their Java sender and is based on their Logback appender.


Just to demonstrate the steps required to get up and running in a simple app:

  (:require [ninjakoala.bjorr :as bjorr]
            [taoensso.timbre :as log])
  (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors]))

(defn -main
  ;; I'd recommend blacklisting these two patterns in Timbre unless you desperately want them.
  ;; They're both only really useful if you're having trouble getting the sender or appender
  ;; up and running. It's also a good idea to blacklist them _before_ starting the sender.
  (log/merge-config! {:ns-blacklist ["io.logz.sender.*" "ninjakoala.bjorr"]})
  (let [threadpool (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool 3)
        sender (bjorr/create-logzio-sender "<YOUR_LOGZIO_TOKEN>" threadpool)
        appender (bjorr/create-logzio-appender sender)]
    (.start sender)
    (log/merge-config! {:appenders {:bjorr appender}})
    (log/with-context {:some "context"
                       :look-numbers 123}
      (log/warn "Hello from Bjorr"))
    (.stop sender)
    (.shutdown threadpool)))

This will result in the following JSON being sent to (with the default type of java):

  "@timestamp": "2019-01-11T16:51:34.396Z",
  "logger": "",
  "loglevel": "warn",
  "look-numbers": 123,
  "message": "Hello from Bjorr",
  "some": "context",
  "thread": "main",

Of course, you can use Claypoole for your threadpools. It'll just slot in as threadpool in the above example.

Using Integrant you might start things up like this:

  (:require [integrant.core :as ig]
            [ninjakoala.bjorr :as bjorr]
            [taoensso.timbre :as log])
  (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors]))

(def config
  {::logzio-threadpool {:thread-count 3}
   ::logzio-sender {:threadpool (ig/ref ::logzio-threadpool)
                    :token "<YOUR_LOGZIO_TOKEN>"}
   ::logzio-appender {:sender (ig/ref ::logzio-sender)}
   ::logging-config {:appenders {:bjorr (ig/ref ::logzio-appender)}}})

(defmethod ig/init-key ::logzio-threadpool
  [_ {:keys [thread-count]}]
  (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool thread-count))

(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::logzio-threadpool
  [_ threadpool]
  (when threadpool
    (.shutdown threadpool)))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::logzio-sender
  [_ {:keys [threadpool token]}]
  (let [sender (bjorr/create-logzio-sender token threadpool)]
    (.start sender)

(defmethod ig/halt-key! ::logzio-sender
  [_ sender]
  (when sender
    (.stop sender)))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::logzio-appender
  [_ {:keys [sender]}]
  (bjorr/create-logzio-appender sender))

(defmethod ig/init-key ::logging-config
  [_ config]
  (log/merge-config! config))

(defn -main
  (log/merge-config! {:ns-blacklist ["io.logz.sender.*" "ninjakoala.bjorr"]})
  (when-let [system (ig/init config)]
    (log/with-context {:some "context"
                       :look-numbers 123}
      (log/warn "Hello from Bjorr"))
    (ig/halt! system)))

Or using Mount:

  (:require [mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]
            [ninjakoala.bjorr :as bjorr]
            [taoensso.timbre :as log])
  (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors]))

(defstate logzio-threadpool
  :start (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool 3)
  :stop (when logzio-threadpool
          (.shutdown logzio-threadpool)))

(defstate logzio-sender
  :start (let [sender (bjorr/create-logzio-sender "<YOUR_LOGZIO_TOKEN>" logzio-threadpool)]
           (.start sender)
  :stop (when logzio-sender
          (.stop logzio-sender)))

(defstate logzio-appender
  :start (bjorr/create-logzio-appender logzio-sender))

(defstate logging
  :start (log/merge-config! {:appenders {:bjorr logzio-appender}})
  :stop (log/swap-config! update-in [:appenders] #(dissoc % :bjorr)))

(defn -main
  (log/merge-config! {:ns-blacklist ["io.logz.sender.*" "ninjakoala.bjorr"]})
  (log/with-context {:some "context"
                     :look-numbers 123}
    (log/warn "Hello from Bjorr"))



The defaults used by the Logback appender are in place in this library but you can customise the following settings to suit your needs. For descriptions of the settings it's probably best to head over to the Parameters section of the original sender's README.

Key Default value
:check-disk-space-interval-millis 1000
:compress-requests? false
:connect-timeout-millis 10000
:debug? false
:drain-timeout-seconds 5
:file-system-full-percent-threshold 98
:gc-persisted-queue-files-interval-seconds 30
:in-memory-queue-capacity-bytes 104857600
:in-memory-queue-logs-count-limit nil
:initial-wait-before-retry-millis 2000
:log-type java
:max-retries-attempts 3
:queue-directory nil
:request-method POST
:socket-timeout-millis 10000
:use-in-memory-queue? false

These options are specified as the optional third argument to ninjakoala.bjorr/create-logzio-sender. So to use an in-memory queue you would make the following call:

(bjorr/create-logzio-sender "<YOUR_LOGZIO_TOKEN>" threadpool {:use-in-memory-queue? true})


Finally there are a number of options you can use to configure the appender itself.

Key Default value Description
:add-file? false Whether to add the filename of the log message.
:add-hostname? false Whether to add the hostname of the machine hosting this JVM.
:add-line-number? false Whether to add the line number of the log statement.
:add-thread-name? true Whether to add the name of the calling thread.
:additional-fields nil A map containing a number of static fields which will be merged into the context of every log message (therefore appearing as top-level fields in the JSON object sent to For example, you might want to log the service name, datacenter or availability zone.
:field-mappings default-field-mappings See the Field mappings section in the table below.

These options are specified as the optional second argument to ninjakoala.bjorr/create-logzio-appender. So to stop adding the thread name to each log message you would make the following call:

(bjorr/create-logzio-appender sender {:add-thread-name? false})

Field mappings

The original Logback appender defines some field names which have been adopted by this library as defaults. However, it's all configurable so you can name things what you want.

Timbre field field
:?err :exception
:?file :file
:hostname_ :hostname
:?line :line
:level :loglevel
:?ns-str :logger
:msg_ :message
:thread_ :thread
:instant "@timestamp"

These are specified as the :field-mappings key in the configuration of the appender. So, to change the :hostname_ field to be called :pod-name you would create the appender with the following call:

(bjorr/create-logzio-appender sender {:field-mappings {:hostname_ :pod-name}})


Copyright © 2019 Neil Prosser

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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