This application, explain the process of writing unit test cases for node js - cli application.
Application is based on test scenario's of creating the student record.
Following , commands are supported in the application :
- User can create the student recod by typing : create <roll_no> For ex: create 1 nirav 95%
- User can find any record using : find <roll_no> For ex: find 1
- User can check the status of created record: status
Program explain two different scenarios :
File : server.js , to start the app type npm run input. It will asks, one of the above commands to be entered by the user.It moves step by step input from the user and performs the activity.
File : app.js , to start the app type npm run seq It will asks, one of the above commands to be entered by the user. But, it first takes all the input from the user to create atleast 3 student records and then move to the other commands.
- npm install : to install the dependencies.
- npm run test : to run the unit test cases.
- npm run input and npm run seq : to run the individual testing scenarios
To run the test case : npm run test
It will execute the two different testin scenarios : sequence.test.js and user_input.test.js
Also , shows the unit test coverage.
Two files :
execute_input.js : It takes the input from different unit test cases, and keeps the process active to have the shared instance of result with each test case.
execute.js: It takes the sequence of input at once from the unit test case and then kills the process. Individual test case will not share the result with each other.