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Dotnetcore NPOI Review By File Comparsion

Tony Qu edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 9 revisions

This document is based on NPOI 2.2.0 tag and Dotnetcore/NPOI latest code

Folder Mapping

NPOI Dotnetcore/NPOI
main src/NPOI
Ooxml src/NPOI.OOXML
Ooxml.openxml4net src/openxml4Net
Ooxml.openxmlformats src/openxmlFormats
Testcases test
scratchpad test/scratchpad

File Comparisons

1565 files in total. Report exported by WinMerge with expanding all the subfolders

Files Count Comparison Result
1408 Text files are identical
130 <5 changes
14 5-10 changes
13 >10 changes
6 only exists in dotnetcore/NPOI excludes csproj and unnecessary files

According to my code review, <5 changes are almost about formatting, comments and invalid code change, which can be ignored.

Even if the changes are bigger than 5, some of the code are still directly copied from some late version of NPOI.


The valid changes from dotnetcore/NPOI are very rare. I don't think it will be more than 2000 lines of code.