Functional Reactive Programming UI library based on @most/core paradigm and architecture
- Everything is programatic. bulit by applying First Principle
- A lot is meant to compose well together. elements, style, behaviors are reusable and stateless. All Built to scale
- State UI naturally by declaring Behaviors, state managers are obsolete
- Highly performant since diffing became obsolete, state changes based on natural Behaviors
- CSS Declarations only exists when they are displayed, reducing paint time
- Components are similar to a function, AS I/O, Outputs(Automatically Typed) outout(unlike any other libraries)
- Typed. Less friction and more feedback. Style(csstype), Elements(either custom or specific(form, button etc)) and even Dom Events(based on element type)
- Animations. done using Spring physics
import { $node, $text, O, runBrowser } from '@aelea/dom'
import { constant, map, periodic, scan } from '@most/core'
const add = (n1: number, n2: number) => n1 + n2
// O(AKA Pipe) compose operations for later consumption
const accumulate = O(
periodic, // event of undefined
constant(1), // map undefined to 1
scan(add, 0), // add up numbers starting with 0
map(String) // map number into string
const oneEverySecond = accumulate(1000)
const $pinkishCountUp =
$node(style({ padding: '10px', background: 'hotpink' }))(
runBrowser({ rootNode: document.body })($pinkishCountUp )
This is a dumbed down version where everything is packed into a single file
Sanboxed version
import { constant, map, merge, scan } from '@most/core'
import { $custom, $element, $text, Behavior, component, style, event, INode, runBrowser } from '@aelea/dom'
// composable style
const displayFlex = style({ display: 'flex' })
const spacingStyle = style({ gap: '16px' })
// composable elements
const $row = $custom('row')(displayFlex)
const $column = $custom('column')(displayFlex, style({ flexDirection: 'column' }))
const sumFromZeroOp = scan((current: number, x: number) => current + x, 0)
// Component that outputs state(optionally), this is currently not used anywhere, see next example to see it being consumed
const $Counter = component((
[increment, incrementTether]: Behavior<INode, 1>,
[decrement, decrementTether]: Behavior<INode, -1>
) => {
const incrementBehavior = incrementTether(event('click'), constant(1))
const decrementBehavior = decrementTether(event('click'), constant(-1))
const count = sumFromZeroOp(merge(increment, decrement))
return [ // Component has to return [$Node, Behavior(optionally)] in the next example we will use these outputted behaviors
$text(style({ fontSize: '64px' }))(
map(String, count)
{ increment, decrement }
runBrowser({ rootNode: document.body })($Counter({}))
In previous example we didn't do much except creating a counter component and drawing it using runBrowser
on document.body
this time, lets play with with the $Component output behaviors
import { constant, map, merge, scan } from '@most/core'
import { $text, Behavior, component, style, INode, runBrowser } from '@aelea/dom'
import $Counter, { $column, $row, spacingStyle } from './$Counter' // lets assume we default export $Counter and a few reusable $node's and style instead
const $SumOfTwoCounters = component((
[increments, incrementsTether]: Behavior<INode, 1>,
[decrements, decrementsTether]: Behavior<INode, -1>
) => {
const sumOfTwoCounters = scan((sum, count) => sum + count, 0 , merge(increments, decrements))
return [
increment: incrementsTether(),
decrement: decrementsTether(),
increment: incrementsTether(),
decrement: decrementsTether(),
$text(style({ border: 'solid 1px blue', }))(
map(sum => `Total sum of two counters: ${sum}`, sumOfTwoCounters)
runBrowser({ rootNode: document.body })(
This is all nice and dandy, grasping everything will require some practice There are various examples and whole lot of different tools avaible at the examples folder
- install NodeJS,
npm install -g yarn
cmd to install yarn package and project managercd ./examples
yarn run showcase
cd ./examples
and yarn run