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This extension contains code snippets for glamorous, glamorous-native and glamorous-primitives.


  • Launch the command pallete (cmd + shift + p) and go to Install packages and themes

  • In the install section, type glam-atom in the search bar and install the extension

  • Then again launch the command pallete and type Glamorous Snippets: Toggle and press enter

  • Reload the window.

Done ✅

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript React
  • TypeScript React



Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The ⇥ means the TAB key.


Trigger Content
ga→ const Component = glamorous.a({})
gdiv→ const Component = glamorous.div({})
gspan→ const Component = glamorous.span({})
gh1→ const Component = glamorous.h1({})
gh2→ const Component = glamorous.h2({})
gh3→ const Component = glamorous.h3({})
gh4→ const Component = glamorous.h4({})
gh5→ const Component = glamorous.h5({})
gh6→ const Component = glamorous.h6({})
gp→ const Component = glamorous.p({})
gcode→ const Component = glamorous.code({})
gabbr→ const Component = glamorous.abbr({})
gaddress→ const Component = glamorous.address({})
gb→ const Component = glamorous.b({})
gblockquote→ const Component = glamorous.blockquote({})
gcite→ const Component = glamorous.cite({})
gdel→ const Component = glamorous.del({})
gem→ const Component = glamorous.em({})
gi→ const Component = glamorous.i({})
gins→ const Component = glamorous.ins({})
gpre→ const Component = glamorous.pre({})
gmark→ const Component = glamorous.mark({})
gmeter→ const Component = glamorous.meter({})
gprogress→ const Component = glamorous.progress({})
gq→ const Component = glamorous.q({})
grp→ const Component = glamorous.rp({})
gruby→ const Component = glamorous.ruby({})
gs→ const Component = glamorous.s({})
gsamp→ const Component = glamorous.samp({})
gheader→ const Component = glamorous.header({})
gfooter→ const Component = glamorous.footer({})
gu→ const Component = glamorous.u({})
gform→ const Component = glamorous.form({})
gtextarea→ const Component = glamorous.textarea({})
gbutton→ const Component = glamorous.button({})
gselect→ const Component ={})
goptgroup→ const Component = glamorous.optgroup({})
goption→ const Component = glamorous.option({})
glabel→ const Component = glamorous.label({})
gfieldset→ const Component = glamorous.fieldset({})
glegend→ const Component = glamorous.legend({})
gimg→ const Component = glamorous.img({})
gmap→ const Component ={})
garea→ const Component = glamorous.area({})
gnav→ const Component = glamorous.nav({})
gul→ const Component = glamorous.ul({})
gli→ const Component ={})
gol→ const Component = glamorous.ol({})
gdl→ const Component = glamorous.dl({})
gdt→ const Component = glamorous.dt({})
gdd→ const Component = glamorous.dd({})
gmenu→ const Component ={})
gtable→ const Component = glamorous.table({})
gcaption→ const Component = glamorous.caption({})
gth→ const Component ={})
gtr→ const Component ={})
gtd→ const Component ={})
gthead→ const Component = glamorous.thead({})
gtbody→ const Component = glamorous.tbody({})
gtfoot→ const Component = glamorous.tfoot({})
gcol→ const Component = glamorous.col({})
gcolgroup→ const Component = glamorous.colgroup({})
gdiv→ const Component = glamorous.div({})
gsub→ const Component = glamorous.sub({})
gtime→ const Component = glamorous.time({})
gdata→ const Component = glamorous.datalist({})
gout→ const Component = glamorous.output({})
gfooter→ const Component = glamorous.footer({})
gmain→ const Component = glamorous.main({})
gsection→ const Component = glamorous.section({})
garticle→ const Component = glamorous.article({})
gaside→ const Component = glamorous.aside({})
gdetails→ const Component = glamorous.details({})
gdialog→ const Component = glamorous.dialog({})
gsummary→ const Component = glamorous.summary({})


Trigger Content
gtext→ const Component = glamorous.text({})
gview→ const Component = glamorous.view({})
gimage→ const Component = glamorous.image({})
gflat→ const Component = glamorous.flatlist({})
glist→ const Component = glamorous.listview({})
gscroll→ const Component = glamorous.scrollview({})
gsection→ const Component = glamorous.sectionlist({})
ghighlight→ const Component = glamorous.touchablehighlight({})
gnative→ const Component = glamorous.touchablenativefeedback({})
gopacity→ const Component = glamorous.touchableopacity({})
ginput→ const Component = glamorous.textinput({})


Trigger Content
gtext→ const Component = glamorous.text({})
gview→ const Component = glamorous.view({})
gimage→ const Component = glamorous.image({})


Glamorous Snippets for Atom






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