Lighthouse makes it easier for people from various backgrounds to spark meaningful conversations and share their unique experiences and insights.
- NextJS
- ChakraUI
- Prisma ORM
- Auth0
- NodeJS > 16 LTS
- Auth0 Account
- Postgres DB
Auth 0 and Authentication Lighthouse uses Auth0 for user authentication. You can follow the documentation
- Sign up via the link (
- On the top right hand coner you will presented with a GET started button.
- You will be presented with a pop up to enter you email details with the options to sign up with google or microsoft accounts.
- You will be have a pop up with to provide your full name & creating password option.
- A verification link will be sent to your email address.
- Once the verfication process is complete you will have access to you account.
- You will then have the option to click on you account settings.
- Which will provide a drop down menu with multiple options.
- Click on the third option provided to access your calander connections.
- You will be presented with the options to add 6 calenders of your choice.
- Add your preference by clicking on the add calender account
- Choose from 5 options provided eg. gmail, microsoft & icloud.
- Click on the connect botton with your prefered choice.
- You will be presented with a login screen of your choice. eg. For gmail you will need to provide your email and password.
- Which will bring you to another screen which will ask you to grant access to calendly.
- This will allow calendly to sync with your perfered calender once you click on the allow botton.
- This will provide a pop up notifying you that the calender of your choice is in sync.
Copyright (c) 2022 Nicu Parente - Released under the MIT License.