This is all about a ready made framework solution for java applications.
-It has two categories right now.
- Automation package : Provide readymade solutions for the automation related problems.
- General utility package: Provide readymade solutions for the general category problem.
- It provides the readymade drivers for the various automation. e.g. WebDrivers, AndroidDrivers, RemoteDrivers, AppiumDrivers
- It Provides the readymade solutions for general problems. e.g. Excel, Image, DateAndTime, Reports, etc.
- On the Go Use.
- Customized way [Using and editing whole source code]
- Fork this Project "", you can also clone it if you want keep it locally.
- Setup the IDE for this Project [i have used Eclipse Oxygen].
- For Sample Code, Follow the "Example" Package
- Compile the Project.
- Export your own customized "org.nng-*.jar" jar file.
This repo is for the java utilities contains classes for General problem along with the selenium framework solutions.
Feel free to fork this repo. and help to inhance this git repo.
| Info
| Project written on Eclipse
| Details
| Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
| Version: Oxygen Release (4.7.0)
| Build id: 20170620-1800
Nitya Narayan Gautam