- Create and Modify Type Lists
- Append
- Erase
- Replace
- Distinct
- Access and Capasity Operations
- Length
- TypeAt
- IndexOf
- Contains
- Iterator Support
- Begin
- End
- Next
- Query Support
- STL Type Traits Library and SFIANE classes
- STL Tuple Support
#include "include/tql.hpp"
// for tuple support include tuple_support.hpp
#include "include/tuple_support.hpp"
constexpr auto get_tuple()
return std::make_tuple(3, 0.8f, 3.14);
template <typename tuple,
typename = std::enable_if_t<tql::query<tql::contains, tuple, int>::value> >
constexpr int get_int_from_tuple(tuple&& t) // enables if tuple have int type
return std::get<tql::query<tql::index_of, tuple, int>::value>(std::forward<tuple>(t));
int main()
// all operations will be done at compile time.
constexpr int res = get_int_from_tuple(poc_tuple::get_tuple());
static_assert(res == 3, "");
static_assert(tuple_have_type<std::tuple<int, float, std::string>, std::string>::result, "");
return 0;
struct abstract_base {
virtual void abstract_foo() = 0;
struct base {
virtual void virtual_foo() {}
struct derived_abstract : public abstract_base {
void abstract_foo() override {}
struct derived_virtual_not_override : public base { };
struct derived_virtual_override : public base {
void virtual_foo() override {}
struct derived_both : public base, public abstract_base {
void virtual_foo() override {}
void abstract_foo() override {}
// create tuple classes:
using test_tuple_classes = std::tuple<derived_abstract, derived_both>;
// checking at compile time that all types are the base type of 'abstract_base' class test_tuple_classes have
static_assert(tql::query<std::is_base_of, test_tuple_classes, tql::place_holder<abstract_base, null_type>>::value, "");
using test_tuple_integers = std::tuple<unsigned, int, short>;
static_assert(tql::query<tql::contains, test_tuple_integers, short>::value, "");
static_assert(!tql::query<tql::contains, test_tuple_integers, char>::value, "");
// create type_list with types:
using list_of_types = create_tlist_t<int, double, float>;
// start the iteration
// result of iterator operations have current type and position of iteration
using begin_iter = begin<list_of_types>;
// checking the result of iteration is correct
static_assert(begin_iter::iter::pos == 0, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<begin_iter::iter::value, int>::value, "");
using next_iter = next< list_of_types, begin_iter::iter >;
static_assert(next_iter::iter::pos == 1, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<next_iter::iter::value, double>::value, "");
using next_iter_2 = next< list_of_types, next_iter::iter >;
static_assert(next_iter_2::iter::pos == 2, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<next_iter_2::iter::value, float>::value, "");
using next_iter_3 = next< list_of_types, next_iter_2::iter >;
static_assert(next_iter_3::iter::pos == 3, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<next_iter_3::iter::value, null_type>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<next_iter_3::iter, end<list_of_types>::iter>::value, "");
// overflowed iterations will return always null_type as a result
using next_iter_4 = next< list_of_types, next_iter_3::iter >;
static_assert(std::is_same<next_iter_4::iter, null_type>::value, "");
using next_iter_5 = next< list_of_types, next_iter_4::iter >;
static_assert(std::is_same<next_iter_5::iter, null_type>::value, "");
This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.