I switched to programming from QA in linguistics. And in my opinion, these fields have a lot in common.
I am able to develop backend of web services from scratch. Please have a look at Task Manager or Web-pages analyser as an example. These are two programs written on Java 21 and Spring/Javalin+Gradle.
Here are my practical skills:
- Java Core
- Spring (Boot, Data)
- Hibernate
- Gradle
- REST-like API
- unit and integration testing
- design patterns, data structures, OOP principles
- SQL (PostgreSQL, Liquibase)
- Git
- Sentry, Swagger
These are the tools I understand:
- Concurrency: synchronized, Thread, CompletableFuture
- Spring (WebFlux), Netty
- Kafka
- Flyway
Now I am looking for a job as a Java developer. My goal is to further develop my skills and make a positive contribution to the society.
- 🌍 I'm based in Almaty/Moscow
- ⚒️ I'm looking for a fulltime job, remote or office in Almaty/Moscow
- 🧠 I'm reading Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold
- 🤓 I'm visiting Google DevFest Almaty
- 🤩 I am keen on ancient civilisations, arts and travelling and love cyberpunk games
- 🥷 I can use Chinese language at work. 中国公司欢迎合作!
Please feel free to contact me!
On Habr
On Hexlet
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