Piped is an MIT-licensed framework for flow based programming written in Python that focuses on:
- Extendability.
- Painless integrating with other systems.
- Testing and maintainability.
- Performance.
- Ease of use.
Being based on Twisted http://twistedmatrix.com/, a base Piped installation already speaks multiple protocols, such as HTTP, SMTP and Perspective Broker. Contrib packages that extend Piped are also available.
The documentation is available at http://piped.io.
- HTTP with twisted.web
- SMTP with twisted.mail
- SSH with twisted.conch
- ZeroMQ and AMQP (especially RabbitMQ)
- ZooKeeper
- Database-connectivity (with SQLAlchemy)
- Data-validation (with FormEncode)
See the installation instructions at http://www.piped.io/installing/
Report issues in the issue tracker.
Mailing lists are available at piped@librelist.com. Just send an email to the list to subscribe.
Or ask questions about Piped on IRC (#piped on freenode).