My first ESP32 program. This project uses the sample Hello World from esp-idf examples.
Directory: ~/esp/hello_world
To build and flash: build && -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART flash
Installing and setting up esp-idf environment for future development. Install esp-idf following espressif documentation.
macOS Cataline Version 10.15.5
ESP-IDF v4.2-dev-1660-g7d7521367
Adafruit HUZZAH32 Feather
Mac couldn't detect the port connecting to ESP32. Lacking drivers. Github discussion.
Solution: Install CP210x VCP Driver.
Mac couldn't detect the port connecting to ESP32 even after installing the driver. Faulty Cable.
Solution: Replace cable. I used a USB Type C to Type A converter to a USB Type A to Micro USB. doesn't work after closing terminal after setup.
Solution: macOS Catalina uses zsh terminal.
Create .zshrc in ~/ directory:
$ touch ~/.zhrc
Include these lines inside ~/.zhrc:
export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf
export PATH="$IDF_PATH/tools:$PATH"