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Fan Control

nlp80 edited this page May 22, 2017 · 1 revision

If you have fans controlled by an arduino irFFB can control them for you.

Use WindSim format?

If checked, irFFB will use serial parameters (9600,8,N,1) and a fan control data format that's compatible with iRacingFanBoi. If unchecked, irFFB will use faster serial parameters (115200,8,N,1) and a simpler, single-byte data format.

Fan controller port

Select the serial port that corresponds to your arduino.

Maximum car speed

The speed entered here will correspond to maximum fan speed. If you enter 0, irFFB will automatically adjust the maximum car speed each time you get in a car in iRacing.

Manual fan speed

The fans will run at the speed set here when you're not in a car.

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