A high-performance toolchain for discovering interesting Langton's Ant outcomes.
The toolchain consists of 5 separate programs designed to work together:
- next_cluster
- Determines the next cluster number in a directory of clusters
- make_states
- Generates initial states for simulation
- make_image
- Creates customized PGM images for seeding initial grid states
- simulate_one
- Runs a single simulation until the generation limit is reached or the ant tries to step off the grid
- Can saves state at specific points and or an interval and or when the simulation terminates
- simulate_many
- Similar to
, but runs a batch of simulations in a thread pool, intended for mass processing - Simulations share a generation limit, save points, and save interval, but not state
- Similar to
Having separate programs creates flexibility by allowing users to orchestrate them as desired. See scripts/cluster.py for a simple example script for creating clusters of simulations.
make_states [options]
-N [ --count ] arg
Number of randomized states to generate.
-o [ --out_dir_path ] arg
Output directory for JSON state files.
-c [ --create_dirs ]
Create --out_dir_path and parent directories if not present, off by
-w [ --grid_width ] arg
Value of 'grid_width' for all generated states, [1, 65535].
-h [ --grid_height ] arg
Value of 'grid_height' for all generated states, [1, 65535].
-x [ --ant_col ] arg
Value of 'ant_col' for all generated states, [0, grid_width).
-y [ --ant_row ] arg
Value of 'ant_row' for all generated states, [0, grid_height).
-m [ --min_num_rules ] arg
Minimum number of rules for generated states, inclusive, default=2.
-M [ --max_num_rules ] arg
Maximum number of rules for generated states, inclusive, default=256.
-g [ --grid_state ] arg
Value of 'grid_state' for all generated states, any string,
-s [ --shade_order ] arg
Ordering of rule shades, asc|desc|rand, default=asc
-n [ --name_mode ] arg
The method used for naming generated JSON state files,
/^(turndirecs)|(randwords,[1-9])|(alpha,[1-9])$/. 'alpha,N' will generate
a string of N random letters, e.g. 'aHCgt'. 'turndirecs' will use the
chain of turn directions, e.g. 'LRLN'. 'randword,N' will use N random
words from --word_file_path separated by underscores, e.g. 'w1_w2_w3'.
-W [ --word_file_path ] arg
Path of file whose content starts with a newline, followed by
newline-separated words, and ends with a newline, e.g. '\nW1\nW2\n'. Only
necessary when --name_mode is 'randwords,N'.
-t [ --turn_directions ] arg
Possible rule 'turn_dir' values, /^[lLnNrR]+$/, default=LR. Values are
chosen randomly from this list, so having repeat values makes them more
likely to occur. For instance, 'LLLRRN' results in a 3/6 chance for L,
2/6 chance for R, and 1/6 chance for N.
-O [ --ant_orientations ] arg
Possible 'ant_orientation' values, /^[nNeEsSwW]+$/, default=NESW. Values
are chosen randomly from this list, so having repeat values makes them
more likely to occur. For instance, 'NNNEES' results in a 3/6 chance for
N, 2/6 chance for E, 1/6 chance for S, and 0/6 chance for W.
make_image [options]
-o [ --out_file_path ] arg
Output PGM file path.
-f [ --format ] arg
PGM image format, raw|plain.
-c [ --content ] arg
Type of image content, /^(noise)|(fill=[0-9]{1,3})$/.
-w [ --width ] arg
Image width, [1, 65535].
-h [ --height ] arg
Image height, [1, 65535].
-m [ --maxval ] arg
Maximum pixel value, [1, 255].
simulate_one [options]
General options:
-N [ --name ] arg
Name of simulation, if unspecified state_file_path filename is used.
-S [ --state_file_path ] arg
JSON file containing initial state.
-L [ --log_file_path ] arg
Log file path.
Simulation options:
-g [ --generation_limit ] arg
Generation limit, if reached the simulation will stop, 0 means max
-f [ --image_format ] arg
PGM image format for saves, raw|plain.
-l [ --create_logs ]
Create a log entry when a save is made.
-o [ --save_path ] arg
Directory in which to save state JSON and PGM files.
-y [ --save_image_only ]
Do not emit JSON files when saving state.
-s [ --save_final_state ]
Ensures final state is saved regardless of save points or interval.
-p [ --save_points ] arg
Specific generations (points) to save.
-v [ --save_interval ] arg
Generation interval at which to save.
simulate_many [options]
General options:
-T [ --num_threads ] arg
Number of threads in thread pool.
-Q [ --queue_size ] arg
Number of simulations per processing chunk.
-S [ --state_dir_path ] arg
Path to directory containing initial JSON state files.
-L [ --log_file_path ] arg
Log file path.
-C [ --log_to_stdout ]
Log to standard output.
Simulation options:
-g [ --generation_limit ] arg
Generation limit, if reached the simulation will stop, 0 means max
-f [ --image_format ] arg
PGM image format for saves, raw|plain.
-l [ --create_logs ]
Create a log entry when a save is made.
-o [ --save_path ] arg
Directory in which to save state JSON and PGM files.
-y [ --save_image_only ]
Do not emit JSON files when saving state.
-s [ --save_final_state ]
Ensures final state is saved regardless of save points or interval.
-p [ --save_points ] arg
Specific generations (points) to save.
-v [ --save_interval ] arg
Generation interval at which to save.
Additional Notes:
- Each queue slot requires 624 bytes for the duration of the program
- Each in-flight simulation (# determined by thread pool size) requires 624 bytes of storage
plus whatever the grid (image) requires, where each cell (pixel) occupies 1 byte
- Each simulation requires 48 bytes of storage for the duration of the program
"generation": /* [0, (2^64)-1] */,
"last_step_result": /* "nil" | "success" | "hit_edge" */,
"grid_width": /* [1, 65535] */,
"grid_height": /* [1, 65535] */,
"grid_state": /* "fill N" where N [0, 255] OR path to PGM */,
"ant_orientation": /* "N" | "E" | "S" | "W" */,
"ant_col": /* [0, grid_width) */,
"ant_row": /* [0, grid_height) */,
"rules": [
"on": /* [0, 255] */,
"replace_with": /* [0, 255] */,
"turn": /* "L" | "N" | "R" */
// ... at least 2 entries
Rules must form a closed chain. For example:
// ruleset 1, valid
"rules": [
{ "on": 0, "replace_with": 1, "turn": "L" },
{ "on": 1, "replace_with": 0, "turn": "R" }
// ruleset 2, invalid
"rules": [
{ "on": 0, "replace_with": 1, "turn": "L" },
{ "on": 1, "replace_with": 2, "turn": "R" },
{ "on": 2, "replace_with": 2, "turn": "N" }
// ruleset 3, invalid
"rules": [
{ "on": 0, "replace_with": 1, "turn": "L" },
{ "on": 1, "replace_with": 0, "turn": "R" },
{ "on": 2, "replace_with": 3, "turn": "N" },
{ "on": 3, "replace_with": 0, "turn": "R" }
For now the primary supported platform is Linux. As such, only Linux has a build system included. This project uses make.
To build the toolchain in release (optimized) mode, run:
make -j $(nproc)
To build a specific program from the toolchain, run one of:
make -j $(nproc) next_cluster
make -j $(nproc) make_states
make -j $(nproc) make_image
make -j $(nproc) simulate_one
make -j $(nproc) simulate_many
To build the toolchain in debug mode, use BUILD_TYPE=debug
# The whole toolchain:
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug
# A specific program from the toolchain:
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug next_cluster
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug make_states
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug make_image
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug simulate_one
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug simulate_many
To build and run the testing suite in debug mode (recommended), run:
make -j $(nproc) BUILD_TYPE=debug tests && bin/debug/tests
To build and run the testing suite in release mode, run:
make -j $(nproc) tests && bin/release/tests
And the usual cleaning process:
make clean
- Boost 1.80.0 (modules: program_options, container)
- bshoshany/thread-pool
- nlohmann/json