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Zsh And Vimrc

A vim config to make a awesome IDE which is useful for code browsing and coding, currently just support for Ubuntu.




  • zsh + ohmyzsh is included with auto suggestion
  • Default colorschema is jay for vim
  • vim-syntax-extra is added for more granular vim syntax highlighting
  • Kept powerline to remove cursor lag in airline

To use old vim7.2/legacy platform/gitbash windows use master branch

How to install:

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd zsh-vim-config
$ zsh


Supported Platforms

  • Linux (Ubuntu/Mint)
  • MinGW

Included Plugins

  • pathogen
  • CCTree
  • a_vim
  • ack.vim
  • ctrlp.vim
  • fugitive
  • indentLine
  • jay
  • nerdtree
  • python-mode
  • syntax
  • tabular
  • tagbar
  • vim-autoformat
  • vim-bufferline
  • vim-clang-format
  • vim-colors-solarized
  • vim-easymotion
  • vim-gitgutter
  • vim-github-colorscheme
  • vim-go
  • vim-linux-coding-style
  • vim-markdown-preview
  • vim-pasta
  • vim-powerline
  • vim-syntax-extra
  • vim-trailing-whitespace
  • vim-workspace

Key mapping

Please using + to move cursor around view windows*

Window management
Window enlarge/ shrink <ctrl+shift+LEFT> Or <ctrl+shift+RIGHT> Or <ctrl+shift+UP> Or <ctrl+shift+DOWN>
Movement between windows <tab> + <tab>
Movement left/right/up down window <tab> + LEFT / <tab> + RIGHT/ <tab> + UP/<tab> + DOWN
Move to Left-top or right-bottom window (useful for tagbar mapping) <tab> + < -left-top <tab> + > for right bottom
Switch between buffers , + bn for buffer next; ,+bp for previous buffer
New Tab , + tn
Switch between tabs <ctrl> + left or <ctrl> +right
Move block of code (visual mode) > Or <
Remove unwanted spaces , + rs
Remove last search highlight (visual + insert + command mode) <ctrl> + h
Quit window(s) ,x to quit current window Or ,X to remove ALL windows without saving
Quick Save ,ssave windows Or , + sscreate/remove session workspace and start autosave
Code Management
Clang Formatting of full code (or selected code in visual mode) , vim-clang-format.vim (use .clang-format file if present) , + cf
Ctrlp <ctrl> + pfor ctrlp mixed; <ctrl>+b for ctrlP buffer
less for easier copy from file , + ls
Ack.vim , + ac for ack whole dir; , + awfor ack for the word under current cursor position, , + af to find file
Tagbar Show (toogle) [visual+ insert+command mode] , + tb toggle the tagbar
Nerdtree <F5> for toggle nerdtree; R to refresh when focus on nerdtree window
CCTree load [for call tree] , + cc to load cscope.out
CCTree window toggle <ctrl + c> + w
CCTree forward call trace (symbol under cursor) <ctrl + c> + >
CCTree reverse call trace (symbol under cursor) <ctrl + c> + <
CCTree tree depth <ctrl + c> + ] for increase <ctrl + c> + [ to decrease
Cscope and ctags update F6 Note: do this before cctree load if symbols changed
Cscope jump to definition <ctrl> + ]
Cscope called from <ctrl + \> + c
Cscope find symbol in files <ctrl + \> + s for text search use t instead of s
Cscope find files <ctrl + \> + f
vim-autoformat Auto format of C code , + fa
linux coding style formatting , + lx
EasyMotion Cursor movement , + a
Auto Complete <ctrl> + p in insert mode
Python/go mode code jump , + g jump to definition of function/class/variable
Aligning using tabular follow tabular doc
Copy/cut line to system clipboard , + cp to copy & , + ct to cut
Copy current buffer file path to system clipboard , + r for relative & , + ca for absolute

Yaml Fold Keypmapping

zi          -   switch folding on or off
za          -   toggle current fold open/closed
zc          -   close current fold
zR          -   open all folds
zM          -   close all folds
zv          -   expand folds to reveal curso


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