CV Project for creating a panorama from a set of arbitrary videos from different positions of the same subject
To run the project just clone and run pip install -r requirements.txt
All data sets used can be found in /images
or /videos
Various testing output results can be found in /results
For best results use a data set of images that have at least a 20-30% overlap in image content and ensure that they are named in such a way that they are ordered from left to right. This is important if you choose to use our fallback stitcher implementation as it does not handle an arbitrary order. If just going to use the cv2 stitcher than order of images does not matter just overlap does.
This program can stitch images, videos, and create a panorama from video.
To create a panorama from a set of static images run:
python -imgd <path to directory of images>
To create a static panorama fromm a video file run:
python -vidf <video file for panorama gen>
To create a video panorama from a set of video files run:
python -vidd <path to directory of video files>
There are also various flags for operatoin you can do:
-t, --test
will allow you to view various images during the process -
-f, --fall
this flag will force the use of our stitch algorithm instead of the opencv stitcher for static image panorama generation -
-dp, --draw_pts
will show the keypoints detected and matching keypoints of the various images given to the program -
-ns, --use_sampling
if set will use naive sampling when creating a static panorama from a video -
-ds, --use_deltas
if set will use delta change for sampling unique frames when creating a static panorama form a video** Set both
to use the combination of the two when creating a static image from a video file
If when creating a video panorama you get no output file or it errors saying something about codecs you will need to manually change the VideoWriter object in to match the usable codec for your OS. Googling this for opencv will tell you valid codecs for whatever OS you are using. Change the CC value on line 99 and the output file extension on line 100:
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi',fourcc, 30.0, (max_width, max_height))