Rich zsh completion for the kubectl command.
kubectl | zsh-kubectl-completion |
v1.12.2 | v0.1.6 |
v0.13.5 | v0.1.7 |
v0.13.5 | v0.1.8 |
v0.13.5 | v0.1.9 |
v0.13.5 | v0.1.10 |
v0.13.5 | v0.1.11 |
v0.13.5 | v0.1.12 |
write this in your .zshrc
zplug "nnao45/zsh-kubectl-completion"
$ curl -fLo ~/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_kubectl \
$ exec zsh
for example, you set ~/.zsh/completion
$ curl -fLo ~/.zsh/completion_kubectl \
$ exec zsh
This completion of kubectl has several flags corresponding to context override, for example, specify the namespace of the operation target --namespace flag should be set before entering resource name such as pod name So we will use the target namespace resource as a candidate for completion. The options supported for override are as follows.
- --kubeconfig
- --cluster
- --user
- --context
- --namespace
- --server
If you want to complete list is "non grouped", you set additional attr.
(I don't like grouped complete list when same word comment.)
By default,
$ kubectl describe namespaces <TAB>
kkk jjj iii hhh ggg fff eee ddd ccc bbb aaa
vvv uuu ttt sss rrr qqq ppp ooo nnn mmm lll
zzz yyy xxx www -- Active
Add this setting in your .zshrc
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kubectl:*' list-grouped false
Show this😍
$ kubectl describe namespaces <TAB>
aaa -- Active
bbb -- Active
ccc -- Active
ddd -- Active
eee -- Active
fff -- Active
ggg -- Active
hhh -- Active
iii -- Active
jjj -- Active
kkk -- Active
lll -- Active
mmm -- Active
nnn -- Active
ooo -- Active
ppp -- Active
qqq -- Active
rrr -- Active
sss -- Active
ttt -- Active
uuu -- Active
vvv -- Active
www -- Active
xxx -- Active
yyy -- Active
zzz -- Active